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Neymar was the popular athlete in school

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Neymar was the popular athlete in school. Literally every girl has a crush on him...well almost every girl. You were only the opinion that he kinda looks good but you werent crushing on him.

As one day your school team had a soccer game against another school from Madrid, the whole school was watching.

You were standing a bit beside the grandstand because you were phoning with your friend.

As you just hung up the phone, a boy came up behind you. „Y/N..."

It was your ex-boyfriend Harry. You immediately recognized his voice but the last thing you wanted to do was to talk to your ex who cheated on you on your guy's anniversary.

"Go away Harry" You said without even turning your head.

„Come on let me at least try to explain everything" Harry insisted.

„There is nothing to explain. Now get lost" You started to get pissed off by Harry.

Harry on the other hand wasn't planning to leave. He moved closer from behind you, so his body was touching yours.

You immediately turned around and slapped him. „What do you think you're doing?!"

Harry held his cheeck and smirked at you as he got closer to you again. This time face to face.

He grabbed you by your butt and held it tight so you couldn't escape. „I know you still want me...even if it's just in bed"

You tried to wiggle out of Harry's grip but you couldn't. „Harry let me go!" You demanded but no one seems to hear you except.....Neymar who was warming up for the game.

As he heard you, his eyes rapidely moved to the noise, to see what's going on (GIF)

As he saw what was going on, he quickly walked up to the two of you. He pushed Harry away from you and said "I think that's enough"

Neymar placed himself infront of you so Harry couldn't get to you anymore.

Harry didn't back down. He walked up to Neymar again. „Who do you think you are Junior?"

Neymar just let him talk and looked at him. Harry's words didn't bother him.

Neymar sigalized Harry with his eyes that he should better go away. „Now get lost"

„Don't talk to me like that" Harry said serious.

Neymar smirked and said once more "Get lost"

Harry had enough and tried to punch Neymar. "Oh you!"

Neymar dodged his fist what made Harry almost trip.

As Harry collected himself again, he looked at Neymar and then past him at you and afterwards he walked off.

Neymar looked after him until he turned around because he heard "Thank you.." from you behind him.

He looked at you and answered "Are you okay?"

"Yes I am it's just..." You took a short break and sighted before continuing "Since our break-up he won't leave me alone. Whether it's on social media or in in school"

I'm sorry for that..that seems stressful" Neymar answered.

As you took closer looks at him, you realised that you didn't just think that he looks good. Your inner crush on him finally starts to reveal?

Neymar and you just stood there, looking at eachother and smiling.

"NEYMAR!" The coach yelled what made Neymar look past you on the field.

He took one last look at you before he said "I'll talk to you after the game"

He smiled and jogged back on the field. You looked after him and smiled.

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