The Nomad's theme interrupted Miz and Luke walked out with a smirk on his face while the Miz sat in his chair with an irritated and annoyed look on his face.

Luke got in the ring and got the mic while he stared down at the A-Lister.

Luke: you hate to be interrupted, huh?

Miz: you have to wait for me to say your name, and that's your queue to walk out here!

Luke: oh shut up, I'll show up whenever the hell I want

Miz: alright, that's done, you're seated. Luke Ardiente, welcome to the show

Luke smirked and nodded.

Miz: now a few days ago on NXT 2.0, you suddenly showed up and trespassed on the CWC just to attack the guy I see as a future champion and next generation version of moi (me), Grayson Waller

Luke: damn right

Miz: do tell why you targeted Grayson? Why did Luke Ardiente targeted and attacked Grayson Waller?

Luke: why did Luke Ardiente attacked Grayson Waller? That is a good question everyone was asking, hell even that stupid balyena I have to deal every week asked me why. I'll tell everyone why

Luke adjusted his posture as he continued to talk.

Luke: I was watching Johnny Gargano's final appearance, and then that son of a b**** Grayson Waller had the audacity to attack the man who saw my potential in this industry

The crowd was shocked as they listened.

Luke: Johnny Gargano was one of the guys who encouraged me to sign for WWE. Johnny Wrestling was technically my mentor at one point

Luke nodded.

Luke: it's true, Johnny helped me find my character and I will not be here if it wasn't for him. I went to NXT to silence Waller for his disrespect

Miz: but now Johnny is not here anymore, so you have to ride your bicycle on your own

Luke: it doesn't matter, I can make my own decisions

Miz: now we got that all of the way and with the mystery solved. Let's move to the next, you should know I'm a multi-time Intercontinental Champion

Luke: yes, you don't shut your mouth about that

Miz: but the point is, when that design was around like 15 years ago, I was just a noob in this business, learning the ropes-

Luke: while your ass was being whooped by the likes of Batista and Undertaker

Luke smirked as he continued to insult the A-Lister.

Luke: tell me, why are you here on the blue brand? Are you hiding from someone?

Miz: I am not hiding-

Luke: are you scared of someone?

Miz: I'm not scared! I'm after the WWE Championship over on Raw, but I want to be at 100% for our future title match at TLC, so I don't want to get physical until that day

Luke: really? You don't want to face the WWE Champion Alex Auditore, but you choose to come here and face me. Here on SmackDown, you should be scared of me

The Nomad stood up and threw the chair out of the ring.

Luke: I'm sure Alex doesn't mind if I send your A-List ass back to Raw in a body bag. And I want to send a message to "our boss" at your expense

The Nomad got up and removed his jacket to reveal a Jimmy Rave Approved shirt, paying homage to the pro wrestler veteran who passed away.

Luke: and also to mention, Johnny Gargano wasn't only my trainer, Jimmy Rave was too. Hope you rest in peace, brother

The Nomad did Jimmy's signature finger salute while the crowd stood up and clapped.

Luke: now I must say, will Jimmy approve that I'll beat your ass down? I believe me beating Miz's ass is Jimmy Rave approved!

Miz: whoa whoa whoa, you do not make the decisions for this show, I'm the host, I take control, you sit down, shut up and listen to the questions I'm gonna ask

Luke: okay Mr. Host, ask the questions

Miz: as you know I am married to Maryse, one of the longest reigning Divas Champions in WWE history

Luke: why the hell is she married to you?

Miz: shut up! Don't interrupt me!

Luke smirked as he kept on irritating Miz.

Miz: why are you with someone who hasn't won a single title since she came to SmackDown, she only needed the help of her friends to climb the ladder-

That was when Luke stood up and grabbed Miz by the collar.

Luke: do not, and I mean DO NOT talk trash about Liv! And just to tell you, she will climb up that ladder and she will be the new SmackDown Women's Champion and Cesaro will be the new World Heavyweight Champion!

Luke then let go.

Luke: we're done here

As the Nomad took his leave, The Miz picked up the mic.

Miz: you don't just walk out and end the show! I end the show-

The Nomad silenced the A-Lister by slamming him down with a spinebuster. Luke destroyed the Miz TV set to make room to measure for a move.

Miz got to his feet and is clueless that Luke is stalking and ready to strike.

Luke paid tribute to another late wrestler, former AEW TNT Champion Brodie Lee by doing his signature taunt before laying out Miz with the Discus Clothesline.

Luke paid tribute to another late wrestler, former AEW TNT Champion Brodie Lee by doing his signature taunt before laying out Miz with the Discus Clothesline

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

The Nomad picked up his title and the mic while he stood over The Miz.

Luke: Miz TV is cancelled due to being too boring, wasting precious time and the host won't shut the f*** up. We will now return to our regular scheduled programming. And Vince I hope you're taking notes because this will happen to you

The Nomad put on The Miz's sunglasses on, but immediately took them out and threw them away. He then raised his title and got out of the ring.

One True Liv (Liv Morgan x OC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα