★jisung • breakfast cookies ★

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"Y/n...baby...wake up, baby..."

Deep rumblings slipped in and out of your ears. Like tiny sparks lit off inside your unconscious mind, feeling flooded into your waking limbs. The pressing of skin scattering across your face leaves you to begin opening your eyes. With the sudden intake of light also comes the blurry image of your boyfriend. He hovers over you silently waiting for a moment as the world becomes clearer. Eyes now fully open, you see Jisung's bright smile. As post-sleep clarity hits you realize Bbama had been licking your face to wake you up.

"Good morning, baby." His hand brushes atop your hair, soothing down the stray bits.

"Mm morning, Ji."

A minute passes in silence and comfort, then Jisung moves to get off of the bed

"Get up, we have to bake for the charity event!"

You're unable to get a word out before he leaves and you have no option but to just follow him out. Groggily, you wander into the kitchen where a simple bowl was set out on the island. Jisung's grinning face greeting you. He urges you over to come help get out the ingredients and help him bake.w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶g̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶

Your exhaustion quickly washed away with the infection of your boyfriend's happiness. His melodious laugh filling the room after you'd accidentally dropped an egg on the floor, then yelling after he did the same. His giggling as batter spilled out of bowls from your rather aggressive stirring. as you mentally cursed for not learning well from Felix. In between each batch, he'd take your hands in his to sway around the island to nonexistent music.

With all of the batches cooled off, the process of frosting had begun. A snug silence settled with less talking than before. In the quiet, your eyes drifted across the table. There Jisung's face was scrunched up in concentration. His tongue jutted out the corner of his lips, twinkling lights dancing against his crinkled eyes, and a line of blue streaked on his cheek. Pieces of brown hair fell into his eyes, elegantly framing his beauty and adding intensity to the deep thrum in your heart. The glowing sun's corona shining down from the window bathed his profile in an almost angelic glow. He was beautiful and amazing and all yours. He was the love of your life in the deepest sense of the word.

"I love you."

his hands stopped, his breathtaking eyes meeting your own, creased in a smile. You hadn't even realised what had slipped out until he responded.

"I love you, too,sunshine" His fingers intertwined with yours, squeezing. " is everything okay?"

"Hm? N-nothing, I was just thinking. I love you, a lot."

A giggle fell from his mouth, pulling on your arm around the table, "Come here."

You moved over for his arms to encircle your waist and tug you into him. With your face's level, Jisung's nose nudged yours softly before pressing a quick peck to your lips.

"I love you so much. I hope you never forget that, love."

"Promise, if you don't forget how in love with you I am."

"Ha." His little pinky wrapped around yours in a common form of trust between you two, "I promise. 

"Now, does this cookie look like dori?" I was struggling with the icing."

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