✭ chan

835 5 2

Genre: angst,fluff

Background info: you and chan have been dating for about 2 years, you work at a law firm and Minoh is your best friend (or the second most closest member in the group)


four back to back meetings and two interviews, you sighed looking at your schedule for the day, putting  your phone on silent(dnd) you walked into the first meeting.

*time skip*

you walked out of the third meeting,  satisfied that the meetings had gone well so far. you had a five minute break before the next meeting and decided to call chan but before you could even turn your phone on, your secretary swiftly walked towards you and handed her phone to you, "mr.lee has been trying to reach you for quite some time now." you thanked her before answering the phone "hi-" Minoh cut you off, "i've been trying to reach you for the last 20 minutes, were you digging your grave or what." he shouted on the line "do you even know whats going on" he continued "your bloody boyfriend is in the hospital unconscious"he completed, your body froze "w-what do you mean, is this some sort of prank hyungah" you asked. "i wouldn't call you over 15 times as a prank, i've texted you the address to the hospital, his room is under my name."  "i-im on my way" you said and ended the call.

you called in a half day and rushed to hospital, praying in the taxi that everything is going to be alright. After filling visitor details you rushed to the fifth floor where Chan's room was. You spotted Minho with the rest of stray kids at end of the corridor. 

you rush towards them immediately spotting their puffy eyes. "what happened to him? how did he get unconscious? is he awake?" you interrogated them. "he looked pale all day, had a minor nose bleed during practise and passed out during break, doctors say it was most likely high blood pressure." Felix explained in a low voice.

you knew chan tend to overwork himself sometimes but he had a limit and just seeing him unconscious scared you, the members wanted to stay but you insisted them on leaving because how exhausted they looked.   

you gently caressed his free hand thinking how you and chan were going to meet up today for a movie night, having busy schedules made it hard for the both of you to hang out often but you both respected each other's job, you were in deep thought when you felt a tug on you hand.you look up to see chan slowly getting up

"what just happened?", chan asked groggily getting up, you gently push him back "why did you lie" he looks at you confused "lie?" he asks,"why can't you just rest Channie" you ask softly, you didn't want to stress him out all over again. A sorry was all he could mumble looking down guiltily.

you gently cup his cheeks leaning in closer, he slowly looks up to you guilt evident in his eyes,"channie i know work is important and you love what you do but please try to get rest we were worried sick about you" you softly whisper.

He started rambling "i-im sorry i know i should not be overworking myself but i just get-" you peck him on the lips to shut him up, "i get it" you say "now to lighten the mood we have here, why not have the movie night here?" you ask. he gave you bright smile and nodded 

chan ended up falling asleep on your shoulder during the movie marathon, you put the laptop away and mumbled a small good night before hugging him to sleep.

                    hope you like it

                     - @ewwkav  <3 

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