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Sage's POV:

the weekend went fast. really fast. all weekend, i couldn't stop thinking about Georgie for some reason. i tried to brush it off but i just couldn't.


i arrived at school and had math first period again. i walked into to math room and saw a certain boy sitting at the desk next to mine. you guessed it.

Georgie Cooper Jr.

i took a seat at my desk and placed my books down, waiting for the lesson to start, but i couldn't stop thinking about the boy who was sitting next to me. my mind kept going back to Friday night when he got knocked out.

Ms Ingram started the lesson but i still couldn't get Georgie off my mind. I felt a pair of eyes lay on me again. although this time it wasn't Ms Ingram. It was Georgie. i looked over to him just to see his head turn the other way and for him to act like he hadn't been looking at me in the first place.

Georgie's POV:

It was hard not to look at sage. for some reason i found it difficult to look away from her hair that fell down her shoulders or her tired eyes. I didn't know what was wrong with me. i'd never felt like this before. i'd never need so drawn to someone. i used to hate her, but now i wasn't so sure.

Sage's POV:

Class was over and i was walking home when i noticed that i was walking past the Cooper household. I saw Georgie through his window and felt a slight smile spread across my face.

i know that it kind of sounded like i was a stalker but i just couldn't look away from him.

Soon, it was Friday. That meant another game. I saw Avery and some of my other friends standing together but i was only looking for one person.

Georgie Cooper Jr.

I eventually saw him on the field talking to some of his friends. I don't know why but i sort of felt a weird feeling of comfort after seeing him.


The game finished, we won by 9 points, and a couple of kids got knocked out this time. None of which were Georgie.

I started walking home when all of a sudden, someone came up behind me.

"Hey, wait up!" it was Georgie.

i slowed my walking pace, not stopping since i had to get home.

"hey" i replied "what's up"
"nothin', how 'bout you?"

a silence grew between us but was broken when Georgie said something.

"you look really pretty tonight"
"thanks, you too i guess" i said

i could feel him smile next to me, causing me to smile.

"i need to tell you something Sage" said Georgie, who stopped walking

"shoot" i said

"so i kinda have feelings for you and i know you don't feel the same but i just wanted to-"

i cut him off by kissing him passionately. he stood there shocked for a second but then kissed back. i pulled away slowly and said
"don't worry, i feel the same."

he smiled and started kissing me again. the whole moment felt like a dream. that night i went to bed smiling.

Georgie Cooper Jr. liked me.

hey guys,
finally!! thank you guys so much for reading this story, comment any suggestions, i'm open to just about anything. don't forget to vote and save to your library so you'll be updated when i post.
love, bonnie xx

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