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Hi, I'm Sage Wilson. I'm 15 and I live in Texas. I have one 9 year old sister called Chloe. She's a pain in the ass.

Her best friend is Missy Cooper, who's brother is also a pain in the ass. Actually, she has two brothers. One is Sheldon, smartest kid i've ever met, Missy's twin brother, is 9 years old but in 10th grade with me. He's not too annoying.

Then there's Satan, also known as George Cooper jr. I hate him, he hates me. I annoy him, he annoys me. For some reason, every girl in 10th grade swoons over that asshat. I guess i'm the only one with my head screwed on right.

To make matters worse, I live on his block.


I wake up to my alarm buzzing right in my face. Great, the first day as a sophomore. I rolled out of bed just as my dad came into my room.
"come on Sage, 10 minutes till we leave" he then left.
"holy shit, what's the time?"
I looked at my alarm clock to see it was 7:15am.
"language!" yelled my mom from the kitchen.
"sorry!" i replied, quickly getting changed

I got dressed into a black t-shirt, grey tracksuit pants, a sage green hoodie and my sage green air force 1's. I know that my name is Sage, but i can still like the color.

I grabbed some toast and packed my bag as fast as i could, and quickly hopped into the car.


1. an institution for educating children.
2. any institution at which instruction is given in a particular discipline.

That's the definition of school in the Oxford dictionary.

1. a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death.

That's the definition of school in the dictionary of every sane kid in the world.

And i was on my way right now.

We parked in the parking lot and i hesitantly got out of the car.

"have a good day kid" my dad said
"yeah, right" i mumbled before closing the car door and walking towards the entrance of the building.

I walked to my locker and opened it, before hearing a bang on my locker door.
"Heyy!" of course it was Avery.

Avery has been my best friend since pre school. Sure I had other friends, but Avery was the best. She was kind of a boy magnet, and I was like her side-kick. I didn't mind though, I wasn't really looking for anyone at the time.

"Hey! How was your summer?" I asked

"It was amazing! We went to California to visit my grandma and I met this guy called Luis and he was sooo hot! Like- "

She kept rambling on for another couple of minutes about this Luis boy and another one called Charlie. I zoned out. Obviously.

Once she had finished talking, I finally got a chance to speak.
"Are you trying out for cheerleading later?"
"Obviously!" she almost screamed
"Ok we'll I better get going, don't want to be late for class, see you at the try outs." i greeted
"m'kay, love ya" she said
"yeah, yeah, love you too" i said walking to class.


I arrived to my first class. It was math if anybody was wondering.

I went to my seat, plunked my books down, rested my head on the desk, and waited for the teacher to start the lesson.

I heard a familiar voice next to me. No. It couldn't be. I rose my head from the desk and rolled my eyes at the sight. George Cooper jr. I'm that moment, i felt like i would rather go to school every day for the rest of my life than have to not only be in the same class as him, but have to sit next to him for the rest of the school year.

just as i was about to place my head back onto the table when Ms. Ingram started the lesson.

half way through the lesson, she was saying something about geometric algebra when i felt a pair of eyes land on me. I looked around and saw Ms. Ingram staring at me.

"Miss. Evelyn, we're you paying attention just now?" she said

now i felt about 20 pairs of eyes on me.

"yes miss, you were talking about how we may encounter axioms and theorems and proofs and learn some rigorous ways to deal with lines and curves during this class."

Ms. Ingram didn't say anything, she just nodded and continued the lesson.

Before i knew it, school had ended and it was time for the cheer try-outs. I met up with Avery outside the gym and we walked in. Mr. Wilkins was in charge of the try-outs, since this was the schools first year having cheerleaders.

We tried out, we both got in, and somehow, i got head cheerleader. I know, i'm as surprised as you are. the first game was on Friday.

I walked home from school with Chloe and she told me about how much she loved 4th grade and how Harriet and Annie had a fight and so forth.


The week went slowly. Really slowly. But before i knew it, it was Friday! My first game. After school, I went home and got changed since the game started at 6:00pm.

I got changed and waited until it was 6.

when it was, my parents drove me to the game and you'll never guess who was playing.

George Cooper Jr.

Ahhhh! first chapter done! i hope you guys like it. again, don't bully me too much. anyway, don't forget to comment and vote
love, bonnie xx

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