"What a loser." you scoffed. "Not coming up for Christmas. He should be ashamed." you joked, although the thunder god could see the disappointment behind your eyes. You shoved the tray of cookies into the oven and closed it by bumping your hips on the door. You turned around, forming some of the left over dough into a ball. "Peter, go long!" you threw the dough to him, and he did a flip, catching the dough in his mouth. [Author PSA sorry: dont eat raw dough you could get really sick] "TWENTY POINTS TO HUFFLEPUFF!" you cheered.

Your trio was waiting for the cookies to cool, which was taking way too long, in their opinion. You decided to read while the treats were baking, Thor opted to watch a documentary on the history of Christmas (he still didnt quite understand the concept of Santa Claus) and Peter watched with Thor, explaining things and making jokes.


Now, your trio was down to one. Thor had dozed off twenty minutes or so ago, and Peter was texting Mj.

"Incoming call from Mr Stark." FRIDAY announced.

"Put it on the tv, Fri." you said. Soon, you were greeted with your adoptive father's face.

"Hey, kid. I'm a bit held back, I need ya to go pick Femme Fatale up at the airport. Just shoot her a text." he said, checking his watch off screen. A faint "Mr Stark!" was heard in the background, and Tony looked up. "Gotta go, see ya at dinner."

"Bye!" you beamed, pulling your phone screen off the tv. "Pete, you up for a ride?.. and, Thor, you.... up?" you chuckled.

"Yeah!" Peter jumped up off the couch. "But I thought Miss Natasha was flying in next week?" he poked at Thors bicep, and the god only snored in reply. Peter then gaped, apparently remembering something.

"Hey, you're right." you narrowed your eyes. You thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Maybe she's coming early and dad forgot to tell us." you took your hot cup of tea and dangled it above Thor's head, grinning mischievously. You angled it so that the hot liquid threatened to spill onto the god. Peter snickered at your antics. "Thor, wake up, we have to go pick up Natasha!" you shouted, placing the mug on the table. "Fire!" nothing. "Attack on the city!" only a small snore in reply. "Killer on the loose in the tower!" the god still slept on, completely unbothered. You picked up a decorative pillow and held it above your head, lining it up with the blonde's head. Peter pulled out his phone and began recording.

"Ahem." a cough sounded from the doorway. Pepper Potts looked between you two with a frown. "Please try not to destroy my nice pillows." she sighed. "I'm going into the office, then picking up Morgan, I'll see you at dinner." she walked to the stairs and went through the door.

"Busted, but not stopped!" you said, smacking Thor's face with the pillow.

The two of you burst out laughing when Thor only scratched his nose and let out a loud snore. Peter and you were wheezing on the floor when the thunder god finally awoke.

"By Odin's beard, what has the two of you in such a state?" Thor questioned, trying to remember what the red android taught him to do when someone was not breathing. "DO I NEED TO PERFORM THE ACT OF 'SEA PEE ARE'??!?" he shouted, only making the two of you laugh harder.

"N-no, Thor-" you managed to wheeze out. "We have to pick u-up Nat." you sat up, still cackling slightly, and wiped the tears from your eyes

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