A Compelling Trio

Start from the beginning

Risa: (Charming, but where have I heard that name before?)

Jack: No need to be in shock yet -pulls a picture out of his pocket and shoves it in Risa's face-

Kate: -rolls her eyes- Not this again...

Solana: -facepalms-

Risa: Who are they?

Jack: This is my beautiful wife Avery, who I was betrothed and married 4 years ago and this is my angelic 3-year-old daughter Justice, they're beautiful aren't they!!

Risa: I guess?

Jack: They're goddesses who should be worshiped, I swear I shall give them the world! Anyway, now that you're all here I will show you where we will all be living

Risa, Kate, Solana: We?

Jack: Why are y'all looking at me like that?

Risa: Does that include you?

Jack: Yeah, of course, it has always been this way

-all 3 of the girls stare intensely at Jack-

Jack: Oh come on, why would I do anything to you 3, I am eternally loyal to my beloved Avery!!

Solana: Don't care, you can go sleep on the floor

Kate: Hahah, that's too generous, if we have a living room couch then he can sleep there

Risa: How about he doesn't sleep in our house at all

Jack: You heartless children, where's my respect, I'm supposed to be your supervisor!! (Damn, I can already tell these 3 are going to be a pain in the ass, hopeful the thought of my amazing family can keep me going, oh how I missed you 2) Let's get to real business though, in 2 days you will be starting at this academy

Risa: Wait 2 days? Don't we start on January 4 though? That's tomorrow then

Jack: Today is January 2, I had a private plane come pick you up so you can arrive early

Jack: I want us to get to know each other better, our room is on the 3 floor and is room 1-B.

Solana: I already know enough -points at Jack- You're a shabby sad excuse for an Instructor -points to Risa- And you're just some random book worm's child who thinks she can become a ranger. I'm going to go train so that we even have some semblance of surviving. -grabs Kate's wrist- Let's go, Kate, you're the only one here that has talent besides me

Risa: -grabs Kate's other wrist- She's not going with some rude little girl like you!!

Solana: What was that you stupid miltank

Risa: So I'm a miltank now, you good for nothing mudbray

Jack: -facepalms- (Why am I stuck with these 2!? I need to think of something) -walks away from the scene-

Kate: No, don't leave me!!

Jack: Just give me a couple of minutes Kate, I need to talk to someone!

Solana: Who even let you into this school, you talentless pop star!!

Risa: I'd rather be talentless than to have that awful hairstyle of yours!!

Solana: What!? I looked fine and way cuter than you

Risa: All I hear you rambling, you're jealous, calling me a miltank because you're flat as a cardboard box

Solana: You did not just go there!!

Risa: You did it first idiot!!

Kate: -drowsy from all the back and forth- Please leave me out of this !!

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