3. Home..?

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          I saw it coming, yet I was too stunned to speak. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing. I know that would end up giving away my answer but what could they do? It's not like I have a bounty over my head. "Wait, didn't they just announce that if we turn her in we get a whole lot of mula?" Mylo speaks up. "They put a bounty out when I have been gone for a couple hours? Are you fucking kidding me?" I sighed. "Woah when could the princess swear?" The fierce girl spoke up, mocking me with slight astonishment. "Yea I have a mouth, pinky." I replied sarcastically. "The name's not pinky, princess. It's Vi." She bites back, a bit surprised that I even stood up to her.  "And the name's not princess, it's Y/N."

         Everyone looks at each other, then back at me. Mylo then steps forward acknowledging the elephant in the room, "So what are you planning to do, huh? Live here?" He starts laughing at the last part, assuming that I could never live in the City of Zaun. I thought about it for a good 30 seconds. If I go back up I would get a major lecture and most likely never be able to see the light of day again, almost like being in solitary confinement. I will also have to go back to living a life without friends, rich people snobs, put out for public display, and exhausting combat training. Oh did I forget to mention that I'm an excellent fighter? My bad, but yes a princess was forced to train, just in case one day I would need to protect myself. In conclusion I think I made my decision. I got out of my thoughts and told them to stay right there as I ran back towards Piltover.

~45 minutes later~

(No one's Pov)

        "I think she shit her pants and left." Mylo grinned as he played with a stick while relaxing on a crate. Everyone was laying down just waiting. "Oh shut up, I can't believe I got to meet the princess! AND she saved me! Best day ever!" Powder practically screams as she jumps off a barrel looking like a kid on Christmas morning. Truly happy, even if she did leave. Vi notices the girl's excitement and decides to wait a little longer for Y/n. Hoping that she comes back so her sister won't be heart-broken. "We'll give her ten more minutes then we'll leave, m'kay...?" Vi looked up trying to convince them. She was truly interested in this girl. I mean who wouldn't, she's The Princess, the girl that could change their lives with the snap of her manicured fingers. They all secretly hoped that she would come back for that very reason.

* * Meanwhile * *

(Y/n Pov)

    I quickly went back to the cleaning place where I had given my dress at. Hiding my face as best as I could, I went inside and asked for my dress. The owner of the shop looked at me in disgust, but asked if I had a receipt. I forgot that I quickly shoved it into my pocket earlier as I was running out. I put my hand in the right pocket, silently praying that I'll feel a crumpled piece of paper. I felt nothing in my right pocket and immediately my heart dropped to my stomach. I gave the lady a nervous smile as I put my left hand in my left pocket. I felt an edge of paper and my unsure smile changed to one of relief.

        I handed her the crumbled and now filthy piece of paper. She carefully plucked it away from my hand trying to avoid touching it as much as she could. "Looks like they're sending tramps to fetch the princess' belongings like the mutts they are." The cleaning lady muttered, her voice laced with repugnance. It was intended for me to hear, quiet but just enough for me to hear. If only she knew who she was actually talking to. So glad I don't have to deal with you all anymore. I smiled as she handed me my dress wrapped in plastic. "Be careful with that, it's gonna be worth millions one day. Not like you could ever imagine what that looks like." She giggles after finishing the sentence. "Mhm." With that I walk out not wanting to blow off on her. Is this what people from the undercity have to go through when they come up here? I never knew how nasty people can be by just dressing a certain way.

         I followed my steps back to where the group was, however along the way these girls saw me and started trailing me. I noticed them following me and decided to speak up. "You guys gonna come out or not?" I heard some sharp inhales and about 6 seconds later the sound of  footsteps started creeping up. I turned around, holding onto the dress tighter than usual. There stood 3 girls, 2 were brunettes and the other blonde. The girl in the front was more on the buffer side while the other two were a little skinnier than average. I scanned over their faces, they were bruised and scarred. If they were cleaned up they would be considered rather beautiful in Piltover. A little ping of sadness hit my chest as I imagined them in finer clothing and cleaned up, their lives would be so much better. I left my thoughts as the first girl ran towards me. I quickly dodged her as one of the other girls tried to grab my bag. I threw the bag far behind me, giving them a sign that they have to get past me to take it. I assumed they understood as all three of them made eye contact with each other. The buffer girl charges again and swings her fist, I counter it by ducking and jabbing my fist under her nose and pushing upwards. A disturbing "Crack" could be heard as she fell backwards holding her distorted nose. One of the girls ran towards her to help her get up while the other fiercely charged at me. I just bashed her nose and they are still so desperate to get what's in my bag, and they don't even know what they'll get!

        I swung my right foot into her side causing her to hurl forward. I took the chance to knee her in the face, she fell backwards with blood spilling out of her nose and mouth. I looked at the last girl standing, her eyes widened at the eye contact and shook. I looked at her a little longer making sure she wasn't going to pull something on me behind my back. I walked backwards towards my bag to grab it, and I walked past her through the passed out bodies. I made sure to listen for footsteps cautiously, scared that she would try to backstab me.

     I was now far enough to know that she wouldn't do anything since I was far enough away. I relaxed and focused on getting to the group. I finally turned the last corner to see them softly chatting. "Wow I'm actually surprised you guys waited for a stranger." I announced as I walked towards them. Mylo kicks himself up and looks at me, "Princess not stranger, remember? You're not one of us." He corrected me. Of course I knew this, no matter what I will never fully know what it's like to live here. I decided to remain silent, not wanting to cause a problem with potentially my new friends. "So... what do you have there that you made us wait for?" Vi spoke up boredly kicking a rock towards me. "Well definitely not for you, Pinky." I stated, picking up the rock she kicked at me and teasingly threw it back at her. "It's for Blueberry over here!" I smiled as I walked towards Powder. "Huh, me?" She looked at me confused. "Who else here has blue hair?" I stopped walking towards her pointing out the obvious. "Oh yeah your right, so the bag's for me?"
"Mhm. I hope you like it because I went through quite some trouble to get it." I handed her the bag and stepped back letting the group see what I got her.

As she pulls it out her face lit up like a thousand lights. "It's gonna be a little big on you right now but I can pin it, then it will fit you when you're older!" She jumps up, putting the dress to her small frame and spins around while jumping. I start smiling, recalling myself doing the same this very morning. "IS THIS SERIOUSLY MINE NOW?" She stopped spinning to ask me. I went to grab her two hands in mine, "Of course it is! Why would I give it to you just to take it away? If I recall correctly you whispered to Pinky over there that you liked my dress earlier, am I right?" She looked like she was on the verge of tears right at that moment. She just nodded her head and put the dress back into the bag. After finishing she hurriedly ran up to me and gave me a bone crushing hug. I bent down to her height laughing and hugged her back. Only then could I feel the hot tears on my shoulder, this caused my eyes to water slightly, not knowing till now how much this meant to her. She pulled back and ran up to her sister grabbing her shoulders to make her look her in the eye. "We have to let her stay with us, I'm sure Vander will understand considering he took us in, one more wouldn't hurt."

          Vi looked shocked, I could tell she was still processing what just happened. She grabs a hold of herself and looks at Powder. "I- I dunno Pow Pow. She has a bounty on her head. He could get into a lot of trouble if anyone found out." She tried to convince Powder but the girl was having none of it. She grabbed her dress then my hand and started walking off. I don't know where she's taking me but I just obliged. "You're coming home with us."

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