1. Royalty's curse

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                 I stretch out a yawn as I hear the city outside my window start their daily routines. I sit up hearing a knock on my door. "Y/N? Oh, good you're awake. We have a meeting with the council at 12:00 on the dot so please my dear, get ready." My mother finishes after barging into my room. Too tired to say anything I just nod, she gets the message and walks out, of course leaving my door open. "C'mon." I annoyingly whispered under my breath as I threw the expensive bed sheets off my body, immediately feeling my bare skin touch the morning crisp air. I stand up, feeling wobbly at first, and sluggishly walk to my door to shut it. I leaned against the frame, still processing what exactly I'm supposed to be doing. That's right, a meeting with the council. I go to my lavatory and grab a cloth and soak it in hot water. I let it rest on my face then I slowly dabbed it all over my smooth skin. I proceed to do my morning habit of lightly scrubbing my face with soap and water, before I dry off my face I then dip the cloth into ice-cold water and rub it all over my face, closing my pores and tightening my skin. Drying my face off I studied myself in the mirror. All I see is a 16 year old girl who feels like a forced connected puzzle piece from another puzzle set. The gold swirls on the right side of my face, from the bottom of my cheekbone to the corner of my eye glimmer in the light, reminding me of my place. I then proceed to do my hair and makeup without another thought.

                  I walk over to my 'walk in closet' after I finish putting my hair into a high bun with two, shorter, curled strands of loose hair framing my face. I also decided to put on very light natural makeup. I drag my hand over all the expensive gowns and dresses until I finally decide on one. I pull it off the hanger and hold it up to the body mirror in the corner of my room. It's a simple but elegant evening dress. It's a subtle gauze, sky blue, slightly puffy, and off the shoulders dress. "Perfect." I slipped it on and somehow managed to zip it up. In awe I take a twirl seeing the long dress lift up as the air sweeps it up from underneath. "And it's comfy? Bonus!" I yelled out in excitement. So maybe this has me a little more excited to go to the meeting today. "Y/N! If we don't go now we'll surely be late!" My mother yells from the outside of my room. "Coming, give me like 3 more minutes!" I shout back hearing her heels get further away from my door. I ran over to the side of my room and grabbed my necklace using the key around my neck to unlock a glass case. Once open, I grabbed the tiara off the stand it was on and carefully placed the combs on my head making sure it was centered. The band of the tiara was made of silver but the front was laced with diamonds. The shape of it was like a mountain or triangle. It had three main crystals, one in the center, one a little lower on the right and mimicking the left. I was taught by my mother that each of these crystals have meaning to what you are, to be, or to follow. The one on the left was a tiger's eye, meaning personal-power. On the right was an agate which represents strength and courage. Finally the one in the center was Angelite, awareness. These three are very important characteristics to be in my position.

                  Once it was secured I quickly put on some small comfortable heels and ran out of my room. I carefully hurry down our grand staircase and run out the front doors. "Good morning Lady Y/N." I look over to see Marcus who's one of the enforcers, and specifically one I'm not so fond of. "Good day Marcus." I politely respond knowing that's the right thing to do. He offered his hand to help me down the front steps of my house. I look at his hand and smile, "I can walk down a couple of stairs, but thank you." He looked slightly taken back and a little offended, but that's the reaction I expected. I have always gotten a bad feeling about him, but could never put my finger on what it is? I proceed to walk towards my parents, my dad pays no attention to me while my mom fluffs up some parts of my dress. About 6 enforcers guard us as we walk to where the council is placed. We received many whistles, applause, and even bows as we walked through Piltover. As we stride through a valley I see something out of the corner of my eye above me. I look up to my left, surprised to see people on top of a roof. I try not to make what I'm looking at noticeable to the 2 guards behind me by just looking with my eyes and less with my head. What the... I mouthed with just my lips right before I made eye contact with a blue haired girl. She grabs the hand of an older looking girl with flamboyant pink hair and points to what I think is my dress. She has a huge smile on her face and I think she's saying something about liking my dress. I give her a grin and a wink, her face lights up with pure shock and excitement. I switch my focus to the older pink haired girl, she looks at me with what I can easily recognize as disgust and annoyance.

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