"You know, you've been spacing out a lot lately. If you're not feeling good you have to let somebody know. We can't help unless you tell us, you know." Tyler was scarfing down his fries.

I sighed. "I don't know how to explain it. My head will hurt and then I feel really dizzy. And the noise around me will be drowned out by my ears ringing."

Tyler stared at me. My face heated up and I looked away. "How do you feel now?" He asked.


He watched me eat some more of my fries. Suddenly his phone rang. He answered it through his car.

"Yo Segs!" A deep voice said.

"Yes Jamie.." Tyler rubbed his head.

"Where are you? I thought we were grabbing something to eat at 3?"

"Something came up Jamie, I'm so-"

"You're with somebody aren't you?"

Tyler paused and went red. He looked at me and smiled shyly.

"Yeah." He said laughing.

"Whatever man, how's that girl you injured?"

Tyler choked on his fry. "Wh-what about her?" Tyler's hands searched for his keys and shoved them into the car. He yanked his stick into drive and pulled off.

"How is she! I just asked you that. You can't hear man?" Tyler asked me where I wanted to get dropped off at quietly. I told him my sister's.

"She's fine Jamie, she has to quit college since her concussion is really bad. They're also kicking her out of her dorm. Pretty unfair if you ask me." At this point, Tyler was speeding through yellow lights without any type of caution.

"What? That's insane man. Where is she going to live? If I was that girl I would've easily sued you. You know she can do that." Jamie was laughing on the other end. Tyler sighed as he ran a light.

"I don't know, she can't move into her sister's since she's living with her boyfriend. You know, I was honestly thinking, that maybe she could live with me."

I spit out my soda and whipped my head towards Tyler. He was still focused on driving, but I saw his eyes look towards me.

"What! Dude, are you insane?" Jamie yelled. Tyler hit the breaks as he came to a red light. My fries flew onto the floor of his car.

"Aw crap, just leave it there, I'll get it." Tyler said. He reached through my legs and grabbed a handful of fries.

"Leave what where?" Jamie asked. I grabbed my head. "Who are you with man? Tell me."

"I, um," Tyler looked at me as if I held the answer. I turned towards the window and closed my eyes. "I'm with Savannah. The girl we're talking about." I could feel his glare on me as I shifted in my seat, when I heard the sound of my name come from his mouth.

"Really? Can she hear us? Hey Savannah!" Jamie called out.

"Hi." I managed to say.

Tyler rolled his eyes. "That's enough, Jamie I have to go drop her off. I'll talk to you later." His hands reached towards the screen to hang up.

"Drop her off where? Her dorm? Isn't she kicked out of there?"

"Her sister's house Jamie. You know what, I'm not continuing this conversation." He hung up. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine, I didn't mind." I took the last bite of my burger.

"Yeah, well I did." Tyler spat. He glanced at me as he pulled into my sister's apartment building parking lot.

"Whatever." I said. I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my phone. As he pulled into a parking space, I shoved open the door and got out.

"Wait. Savannah." He called. I leaned down and looked through the window.

"I wasn't kidding about you living with me." His eyes showed a sense of seriousness, and made me reconsider his offer. I sighed and pushed my hair back.

"I'll think about it Tyler." I turned to walk away when he got out the car himself, and grabbed my arm. He stared into my eyes as his grip tightened.

"Do you remember what I said?" He asked in a deep voice. He let go of me, and pushed his self against me as we backed up against a random car. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I looked away.

"Look at me." He grabbed my chin and tilted it towards him. I swallowed hard. His hands were soft against my skin and quite frankly, I didn't want him to let go of me.

"You said you would take care of me if I needed anything." I said quietly. I looked around to see if anyone was around. It was just us. He moved strands of hair out of my eyes and smiled.

"And you need somewhere to stay right?" He asked.


He put his huge hands on both of my cheeks, grabbing them softly. He rubbed his thumbs on my cheekbones gently. "So stay with me. I have more than enough room for an extra person. Seriously." He said still staring into my eyes.

"Yeah, I guess I can." I said smiling nervously. I didn't understand why he wanted to take care of me so bad. But where would I stay if he didn't offer? I looked down.

He slapped my arm. "There you go," He said laughing. "Stop being so afraid to ask me for things." He smiled his infamous sly smile.

"When are we going to move my stuff into your place then?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it." He said still grinning. Raising his arm, he started walking back to his car. "See you around, yeah?" He called.

I nodded. He smiled at me and hopped into his car. I turned around and walked into the apartment building, shaking my head. I knew I just got myself into something I would regret. I knew it.

twisted // tyler seguinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora