Max Verstappen- King of the World

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A/N- just a quick note before the story starts. I started writing this story the night before the Abu Dhabi race. I was always going to end this story in the same way the actual race ended. However I am very happy that it ended the way it did. Thank you for reading my stories and I hope you enjoy this one as much as I do!

How is this my life? It's Saturday evening and tomorrow is going to be one of the biggest days of my life. My dad is Toto Wolff, the head of the Mercedes F1 team, and my boyfriend is Max Verstappen, a Red Bull driver fighting for the world championship. Max and Lewis have been battling for the whole of the season and tomorrow will decide who wins. They're going into the race with exactly the same amount of points, however Max managed to get pole today, so he will start in front of Lewis.

Max and I have been dating for the last three years so I will be supporting him and red bull, however I was raised around Mercedes so there is always a part of me supporting them.

My dad doesn't like Max at all. He thinks Max doesn't truly love me but I know full well that isn't true. I didn't tell Max who my dad was the first 6 months of dating. My dad has only ever seen the work side of Max, and he doesn't like that, but he's never seen how Max is at home. He is the kindest person I have.

I ended up leaving the paddock after Max as I was talking to my dad. When I got to our hotel room he was pacing back and forth. I've never seen him this worried.

"Hey babe." I whispered, hugging Max from behind. He turned around and pulled me into a proper hug.

"Hey gorgeous!" he whispered into my ear. He looked at me with a worried look on his face.

"You've got this babe! I know you can do it! Lewis and dad have been scared of you all season. They know how good you've been this year, and they know that you're not scared of racing! You're the best damn driver on that grid Max! You've done everything right this year Max. If it wasn't for the dirty play from Mercedes you'd have already won this season. Don't let them get in your head. Do what you do best! You race! No matter what happens you will race the best you've ever raced before. You race clean, you race fair and you do exactly what Christian and the team tell you to do. They can see so much more than you can!"

"Thank you Aria. For always believing in me. When I first found out who your dad was I never thought you'd end up choosing me over him. And I'm so glad you did. I love you so much baby." He told me, letting a single tear role down his cheek. I could see him thinking for a minute before he started talking again.

"I want to ask you something, Aria. Will you marry me?" I was shocked. I never thought someone would propose to me, especially a future formula 1 world champion.

"I'd love to marry you Max. However I want you to wait. If you win the race tomorrow you propose again. If you don't we will wait a bit longer. I want you to race that race for me as well as you!" He took a minute to think, before he told me he would go and win that race for me and for our future together.

"My father has not been fair this year Max. I've seen how he's done things, how he's made the team do things and none of it has been fair. Tomorrow you are going to win that race. And then we are going to get engaged, in front of everyone, in front of my father. You can take two of the most important things in his life: the drivers championship and me, not sure what order those go in though." As soon as I said that he burst out laughing and it was agreed. Tomorrow Max would take everything important from my father, and I would be alongside him as he did it. As I would be for the rest of my life.

Sunday was both the best and worst day of my life. I had never been as stressed as I was. Max and I both woke up at the same time and decided to head down to the track early. We headed straight to the red bull garage. We avoided any interviews, anyone trying to influence how Max was thinking or feeling. When we arrived Christian was already there, pacing back and forwards next to Max's car. Sergio arrived not long after us and we had a team chat. I was allowed to attend the meetings. I was a bigger part of Red Bull than I was Mercedes, and Christian knew I would never tell my father anything he shouldn't have known. They discussed every plan for the race, every scenario they could think of, every possibility. I wasn't shocked by anything they said. I'd attended many Mercedes team meetings for Mercedes over the last few years and they were completely different. Red Bull talked about how to race, how to overtake, different strategies whereas Mercedes talked about leading the race, and how they would stay in the lead. That is why Max had been better than Lewis this season. He is good at racing, not just leading.

The race began and I couldn't bear to watch. It was the dirty move that Lewis made, the lack of a punishment for Lewis and it became too much for me. I tried to watch, but I couldn't handle that Lewis had overtaken Max. I started to get photos ready to post on Max's instagram. I prepared the shirts that the team would wear if Max won. I simply couldn't bear to look at the screen in the garage, or head out to the pit wall and watch from there with Christian. However when I heard that Nicky had crashed I ended up watching. I headed over to the pit wall so I could hear the updates from Masi as soon as they came in. I could hear Toto yelling at him from down the pit lane. I watched as Max followed the safety car around the track, I watched as he pitted and my heart started to sink. Masi told Christian that the lapped cars wouldn't overtake, and Max was going to be forced to overtake all of them to win. However at the last minute he allowed all of them to overtake. Max was now directly behind Lewis, on new soft tyres with one lap to go. As they got to the final corner before the lap restarted Max pulled in behind Lewis and they were racing again.

As they drove down the straight, Max got closer to Lewis. He didn't quite manage to overtake him. They went round the next two corners, one behind the other before they got to the next long straight. Max got closer to Lewis and did it! He managed to overtake him! It was the last lap of the last race and Max was leading the race. Max drove faster than ever before. He defended better than ever before. As he rounded the last corner I was hanging out of the pitlane. Waving him across the line. He had done it!

Max Verstappen had won the race! Max Verstappen was the champion of the world. He jumped out of his car and I ran straight towards him. Not listening to anyone or anything else and I kissed him. Once I finally let him go he looked at me, then got down one one knee and pulled out a small box that Carlos just handed him.

"Aria Wolff, will you make me the happiest man to have ever lived and marry me?" he asked me, not breaking eye contact.

"Of course I will Max! I love you so much!" We quickly celebrated with the other drivers before Max headed off, he had to go and celebrate his win of the championship.

I ended my day the happiest woman alive. I was engaged to an F1 champion. I was going to marry the love of my life. And as a bonus it pissed off me, now very angry, father.

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