Alex Albon- Brotherly Love

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Alex Albon is my older brother. I love him but god he's annoying. It's his first weekend racing for Williams this weekend. I've worked for them for years so everyone at the team knows me however he keeps telling me that everyone wants to talk to him and not me. I'm Nick Latifi's communications manager and have been since he joined the team. I was with them for several years before though, working with other drivers.

We got to the track on Wednesday and I offered to give Alex a tour of everything as he hasn't been to an F1 track for a while and he's never done anything with Williams before. But he told me that he doesn't need my help and he can do it on his own.

After that I went to meet up with some of my friends before I needed to start my work. Charlotte Sefton is my best friend who works within F1 (even though we work for different teams) and we both like to help out some of the drivers' girlfriends to know where everything is at each track.

A few hours later I found Alex aimlessly wandering around the paddock. I could tell he was lost but he wouldn't admit that to me, his baby sister. I wasn't going to wait around just for him to admit he was lost so I headed back to hospitality.

Everything went fine for the rest of the day and Alex eventually found his way back.

I woke up super early on Thursday to get to the track to finalise the interviews Nick is doing today. Alex and I were in the same hotel so as I left I knocked on his door to wake him up.

I got to the track at 7 to get organised for the interviews. Two hours later Alex's communications manager came to talk to me to ask where he was. He was meant to be at the track by 8 but he still hadn't arrived so i decided I'd phone him.

"Where the hell are you!" I yelled down the phone at my big brother.

"I just woke up y/n. Why are you yelling?" He screamed back

"Have you seen the time? You were meant to be here an hour ago!"

"What, I thought you'd wake me up, that's what you've done before." I screamed in a panicked way.

"It's not my job to wake you up, but I did anyway. I knocked on your door when I left and you even responded to me. You must have fallen asleep."

He just sighed down the phone before hanging up to get ready.

Alex arrived at the track 30 minutes later and I went to get him from the gate to make sure he didn't get lost again. Luckily he made it just in time for his first interview.

All of Nick's interviews went well so we decided that we'd go out for food in the evening to celebrate the start of the new season.  

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