11. On your left

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I get on the plane and head for the first class section, plopping down on my seat. I put on my headphones and start listening to my favourite song on repeat, getting more serotonin with every time it starts over. It's just something I'm really comfortable with, because I mainly use music o detach from reality and get lost in my own world. I pick up the little backpack I brought with me on board and take out my sketch book and a pencil. I open it up and flip the pages until I find a blank one. I let my eyes wander on my last drawing for a few seconds before turning the page, smiling at the white paper. It was the sketch of Natasha's hand that I draw during our last English period together. She even told me it was pretty. 

After a few hours I finally finish my drawing and come back to reality, admiring my work. It portraits two girls kissing in a car, hands entangled in each other's hair and caressing each other's cheeks. If I'm being honest this might be one of my favourites pieces, it turned out really well. 

I didn't truly realise what I was drawing until I snapped out of my artistic daze, but I guess this is just my subconscious yelling at me that I should have kissed her when I had the chance just a few hours ago.  Nat is a strong willed person though, so if she wanted to kiss me that bad, she would have done it herself and it would have been too awkward if she didn't kiss me back. I could never step into an English class ever again. 

I shake my head, as if that would help me get rid of those thoughts. I sigh and run my hands on my face, letting them rest over my eyes for a few seconds, trying desperately to get my shit together. I sigh again before putting my sketch book back into my backpack. I guess it's time to sleep for me. 

I shuffle in my comfortable seat and after a few seconds I fall asleep. 


<<Ma'am, we're here>> the taxi driver is shaking my shoulder gently, trying to wake me up. Fortunately I have a very light sleep, so it wasn't a hard job. I yawn and get out of the cab before handing the cash to the driver and bidding farewell. My suitcase is already on the pavement, so I pick it up and cross the street to get to Sam's apartment, which is one of the characteristic Brooklyn semi- detached houses with a red bricks facade and trees on the pavement in front of the front door. 

I take the house keys out of my pocket and open the door, arriving in the small alleyway. The two apartments in this buildings should be for two different families, but Sam decided that one was too small, so he bought both of them and connected the two with an inner staircase. It turned out pretty good and now he has a whole "building" to himself, if you can call it that. 

I walk up to the first floor and open the front door of the first floor, where the kitchen, the bathroom and the living room are. The living room and the kitchen are connecting through a huge inner window. Just beside the couch there's a wall made of windows overlooking the street with a little cocoon of pillows and blankets in the inner sill. Everything is very chill and aesthetic. And personally I love it. 

After kicking my shoes off in the small atrium I walk down a corridor and get to the guests room where I usually sleep. The bed is already made and the small alarm clock sitting on the bed side table tells me that is currently almost three a.m., definitely time to go to bed. I head in bathroom to change in my pyjamas- one oversized t-shirt and a pair of really short shorts- and brush my teeth. As soon as I touch the bed I fall asleep. 

When I wake up, only roughly two hours later the sun hasn't risen yet and everything is still pitch black. It takes me a good five minutes to finally understand where I am and why I'm not in my bedroom, blame it on the jet lag. I get up, trying not to make any sound and head for the kitchen dragging my feet on the cold parquet floor. 

I get to the coffee machine and turn it on to make me a big hot mug of coffee, which I reaaally need. I'm feeling strangely well rested, even though yesterday I had a restless night but I'm guessing that the sleep on the plane did me some good. 

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