8. Everyone breaks the law at least once

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Natasha is sitting against the car door, a bit cold from the contact with the icy metal, but overall it's not something unbearable. She's on her phone casually scrolling through her Tik Tok for you page while waiting for a tow truck to come rescue the wrecked car she's leaning on right now.
She can definitely tell there's something off in the air, but she's trying hard not to think about it.

The tow truck is just a few minutes away she keeps reminding herself, There's nothing to fear.

That would be just a tad more true if she wasn't sitting on the ground in the middle of the woods at three a.m. beside a crushed car that didn't even turn on anymore. She's mindlessly biting her right hand's nails while the left one is busy holding her phone and from time to time her thumb double taps the screen to like a video, the hint of a smile lingering on her lips.

Suddenly the feeling of being stared at starts to become too strong to ignore, so she snaps her head up, listening carefully and forcing her eyes to see through the veil of darkness between her and the woods. The light streets aren't doing much to help since the nearest one is at least ten feet away from her and the car.

The snap of a stick makes her head turn all the way to her left, but still nothing could be seen by Natasha's eyes. Her insides churn in panic. Indecision could be seen on her face. She's clearly thinking hard about what to do but evidently coming up short.
She has no idea what to do to help herself to not get brutally murdered in the middle of the night by some creepy dude. Maybe it's one of those weirdos with a strange weapon kink like axe murderers or worse -hammer murderers. That way even if someone finds her body, she would still be quite unrecognisable from all the beating.
These thoughts make the young girl uneasy, so she starts wiggling on her spot trying to find a new position to sit in.

Just as she's about to press play again on her screen she hears the nearest bush- which is only maybe seven feet away- shaking.
Her head snaps back up from her phone, which is now turned off. Her breath is irregular and it's clear that she's about to have a panic attack. Well, I'd freak out too in a situation like this one.
She starts to sweat, the acre scent of fear is now all over the cold air of the night. You could literally smell it. As a stark contrast to the sudden heat Nat is feeling, a strong cold wind starts to roll out of the woods. As a consequence of this sudden change the trees start moving, producing the most disturbing sounds.
It almost sounds like a human whisper, but Nat attentive ears can't make out the words, which only adds disquiet to the already unsettling scenario.

The sweat on the back of her neck runs cold as the wind hits the droplets, causing goosebumps to form all over her arms. Natasha doesn't like this uneasy feeling, so she tries to resolve this problem by bringing her knees to her chest and holding them there with her hands.
She even starts rocking back and forth as if to cradle herself. She tries to breathe in and out, attempting to calm down but a deafening thunder makes her flinch.

It's just a dream, this can't be real.

But then why is everything so clear and defined? If this was all a dream you couldn't think this properly.

The same voice that was trying to console her just a few minutes before is now turning her back on her and helping out her anxiety instead. Natasha is now on the verge of tears, forcing herself not to crack.
But she's aware of the fact that she's about to break, the bitter stinging sensation on the back of her throat signalling to her that she's about to burst in tears. She runs a hand through that beautiful red locks and pulls slightly at them. It is true that pain helps getting a brain out of a shock, and that's exactly what the girl is trying to do.

But just as she manages to calm down a little bit the bush moves again. Her breathing stops abruptly, oxygen refusing to get in or out of her lungs. Even her blood won't cooperate, running so cold it turns into ice stuck inside her veins. The only muscle who's working almost to the point of breaking down is her heart, currently on race speed.

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