Of Fearful Surprises (Spideychelle)

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not posting for so long, I had tons of schoolwork. I finally found time to write another oneshot though. It's a Christmas oneshot because...obviously! I found it off a prompt from Tumblr. I hope you guys enjoy this one and have an incredible day!

And yes, it's not X Reader for once😂

"Peter, I'm home!" Michelle said as she closed the front door behind her. She expected her boyfriend to be right there, engulfing her in a big, warm hug, but the apartment was silent.

She sighed. He had probably gone out to get groceries. Queens was freezing cold lately, and snow was falling already, even though it was just barely December. Maybe he had gone before it had really started coming down.

But Peter wouldn't usually think like that.

She shook her head quickly. She wouldn't think bad thoughts. She was just being paranoid. They'd been through hell and back together, and Michelle couldn't help but be a little overprotective of her Spider-Man, because she never knew when he could be in serious trouble. But it was just nothing. She would just text him and everything would be okay.

She pulled off her snow-covered gloves, putting them on the table next to her, and took out her phone from her pocket. She opened Peter's contact, and texted him a quick: i'm home, where are you?

But for now, she was stuck at home with absolutely nothing to do.

Michelle was seriously worried. She had managed to finish watching a whole Christmas movie, but there had been no notifications from Peter throughout. She turned off the TV and pulled out her phone again. He could have a bad connection, couldn't he? That could be it. But Michelle couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling in her gut.

She exited Peter's contact after attempting to call him a couple times, but to no avail. She instead opened a new contact, clicking the Call button.

"So you're telling me Peter just left, with zero text messages and zero information?"

Michelle nodded, pulling her knees up to her chest. Ned sat next to her, face scrunched in confusion, brows furrowed. "I don't know why. I thought he could be getting groceries, but we always text each other where we are in case something goes wrong. We're all easy targets, so it's something we would always do..."

"...So why would Peter never reply?" Ned finished. They looked at each other, and as always, the friends could always tell what the other was thinking. And Michelle knew that Ned had no clue what to do as much as she did.

They had resolved that if he hadn't returned by midnight, they would call the cops. He could still be okay, it could still be nothing, but it was still frightening. Michelle already missed Peter's comforting hug, his soft kisses, his fluffy hair. His innocent demeanor and his loving personality that made her feel so relaxed and at peace. She missed everything about him, and it had only been hours.

She pushed down her tears. It's nothing. It's going to be okay. He just has no connection. No internet. That's it, okay? MJ, calm the hell down!

But she wasn't calm.

She brought her arms around Ned, and he leaned into her hug. It was a comforting embrace, two best friends missing their third and needing all the support they could get.

They had fallen asleep on the sofa when the door opened.

Michelle was a light sleeper. She heard it almost immediately, even over Ned's snores. She jumped up quickly, checking the door, when she saw a familiar silhouette. He came into the light, and her heart leaped.

It was Peter.

She ran through the hallway, bringing him into a tight embrace. Peter dropped the bags he was holding to hug her back, and she felt everything rushing into her. All those warm, comforting feelings she was yearning to have.

And quite a bit of anger.

She pulled away, and tried to take a deep, steadying breath, but to no avail. "Peter, what the f*ck is wrong with you?"

He looked at her, confused. "Wha-"

"I sent you a million texts. I called you. We were so worried. Me and Ned were about to call the cops. Why would you straight up leave without letting me know first? That was our deal, so we'd be safe at all times, remember? You didn't even text me afterwards or let me know. Even groceries aren't worth your life, Peter." Michelle gestured to the bags.

Shockingly enough, her boyfriend continued to look baffled. "MJ, I did. I texted you that I was going somewhere and I was coming back late, and that it was a surprise. I thought you were just sleeping or something when you didn't reply." He pulled out his phone and showed Michelle the texts, which were...still delivering.

Suddenly, she heard three buzzes from her phone. She pulled it out to find those three messages that she was finally receiving. She showed him the screen. "Might want to check the connection."

He looked at her, a guilty look on her face. "I'm sorry. I really should've put our safety first before stuff like this. I just felt bad that you were always working, so I wanted to get you something."

He pulled out a book. It was the special edition copy of Of Human Bondage. She had gotten the copy from a quaint bookstore far away, but the book had been destroyed in a Spider-Man fight. She had always wanted to get a new copy but was too busy, and now it was finally here.

This book meant everything to her, and Peter had given it.

Michelle threw her arms around Peter. "Thanks, Pete. Seriously, I appreciate it, this book means everything to me. I love you so much, but your safety comes first. Please be careful next time, okay?"

"I will, MJ. And for the record, I love you too," Peter said, a sweet smile on his lips. Very kissable lips.

She was about to bring hers to his when the click of a camera sounded. She whipped around to find Ned grinning at them.

"This'll look cute on our Christmas card," he chuckled, as he tried to keep the camera away from Michelle, but to no avail.


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