Nightmares and Comfort || P.P x Reader

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Just a short little thing and it's also kinda cliche but it's fine

Word count: 647

It was an amazing Saturday night, and Peter and you were watching Star Wars movies.

After the signature ending music started playing and the ending credits rolled around, you yawned and glanced at Peter. "Think we should call it a night?"

He rubbed his eyes sleepily. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea."

You closed the laptop and placed it on the bedside table, laying down on the bed as Peter stood up to go turn off the dimly lit lamp across the room. Then, he crawled into the bed, and you brought your arms around him.

Though it may seem abnormal for you and Peter to be sleeping in the same bed, it was pretty normal for you both. Being best friends since you were little kids, both of you were pretty chill with physical touch, let alone sleeping in the same bed.

But these days, you were thinking of Peter in another way, that definitely did not scream friends. Your feelings for him definitely tensed up your arms as you put them around him, and him knowing you so well did not help.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" He turned his body in your direction, and you shrugged.

"Yeah. I'm just still kinda shook by how annoying Emperor Palpatine is."

"He's a big fat jerk."

"Yeah, corrupting my sweet baby Anakin like that? So rude."

"Really? Sweet baby Anakin?" Peter furrowed his eyebrows, and he looked so cute right now, you just wanted to kiss him right then and there.

"Yes, he's my husband. You should know this, you're my best friend," you teased.

Peter muttered something uncomprehending and rolled over. "We'd better sleep before May's going to kill us."

You frowned at his weird behavior, but decided to let it pass. "Yeah. Night."


**time skip brought to you by America's Ass (basic I know, but still hot)**

You startled awake for some reason. After sitting up and not hearing any sound, you decided to lay back down, before hearing small whimpers from your best friend.

Turning around, you glanced at him. He was twitching a little, whispering something before resting for a moment. You stared at him, confused. Was he being soul-sucked? (Don't blame me Y/N's kinda dumb in this story)

But your thoughts quickly changed from confusion to panic when Peter screamed.

"Y/N! No! Please don't kill them, I'd do anything! Take me instead! Please!" He yelled, rolling around and lashing out with his arms, one of which smacked you in the face.

Not being able to take any more of this, you quickly shook him awake. "Peter! PETER!"

He quickly sat up, panting and holding his hand out like he was about to attack you or something, and then quickly relaxed after realizing it was you.

"What was that about? You were shaking and twitching and then you started rolling around and screaming in your sleep—"

"Nothing." Peter said quickly, and you rolled your eyes.

"Obviously, it was very clearly nothing, Parker." You saw his scared face, still relieving the moments, and softened your voice. "Tell me what happened?"

"I- you were being punched by a monster. Sorta like Ultron, remember him? It was about to kill you, but it decided to drag you away instead, to capture you and give you to whatever it was working for. And I was trying to fight him, but I-I failed." He started shaking, and you could see tears prick the edges of his eyes.

You put your arms around him and brought his head to your chest, this time none of the past tension staying. You stayed in this position for minutes, playing with Peter's hair as you felt him slowly relax.

Soon, the both of you fell asleep in that position, which would definitely have been a surprise for May when she checked on you guys the next morning.

Hope you guys liked that one! I love cute fluffy oneshots. Feel free to vote and comment if you liked it ❤️

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