FIVE YEARS • imagine // Peter Parker x Reader

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Hello! I know, I know. I died for like, ever and now I'm back? But I was just super busy with school and everything going on. But it's summer, so now I've got more time. And I probably forgot how to write, so I'm sorry if this is trash. But good thing it's an imagine, so hopefully I won't screw it up tooo much.

Imagine that after the big war with Thanos, after Peter disappears along with half the world and many of the Avengers and your allies, you are extremely hurt. You feel a lot of pain and loneliness because you're missing many of your loved ones, including Peter. Especially Peter. You are so heartbroken because you love him with all your heart, and now the person that you care about the most and would put before anything else in the world is gone, and you don't even know whether he's coming back. At first, you have hopes, but then, you start to believe that this world with half of it gone is your new reality. You can barely speak to the other surviving Avengers, except for Tony. The two of you discuss your shared feelings and care for Peter, and how much you loved him. It's hard, especially at first, and some days you just sit in silence or talk about other things. Or sometimes you lay your head on his lap or he puts his head on your shoulder and you just listen to the world and wonder what to do anymore. But other times you reminisce about Peter Parker and his bright light that he brought upon the world's people who were very undeserving of it. But one day, Tony leaves to go start a family with Pepper. He invites you to move in with them, but you disagree, because you realize it's time to move on the way he does. You start living your life, or at least try to. You realize that you aren't aging, due to your manipulation powers that you were subconsciously using, and you decide to keep it that way, because it just feels right. You don't go to school, because you aren't ready for it, but you finally reach out to the other Avengers, and let them know that you're okay, making plans to meet up with some of them soon. You find a job working for a photography company that is willing to hire you due to the lack of employees, and you continue to follow Peter's love of photography, thinking about him during every picture you take. And you know, one day, the two of you will unite again, and everything will be okay. All you have to do is wait, just a little bit longer.

This is sad, I know. But if you're reading this, thank you for sticking with me. And thank you so freaking much for 500 reads! I love you so so much.

I'm also on a plane as I write this coming back from my first trip sooo....probably gonna write some more. And I can't post until after obviously.

Okay, until then! I love you all 3,000! 💛

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