Tony's Halloween Party || P.P x Reader

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This is kinda bad because I was rushing due to my tons of homework, but I wanted to put something up for Halloween, so enjoy and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Comment what you're dressing up as. I was going to go as Rey from Star Wars, but I didn't have time to pick out a costume, and homework is killing me.

I'll try to post something this weekend for Diwali though.

Word count: 1,242

"MJ, can you put my hair up?" You asked the girl who was adjusting her wig.

"Yeah, hold on." She grabbed a bobby pin and rolled your hair into the symbolistic Princess Leia buns. Although your hair wasn't nearly as long enough or cooperative enough to fit into the hairstyle, it was still somewhat successful. "There, that should do it, I think."

"Thank you, Mildred." You joked.

MJ rolled her eyes. "Hey, I wasn't even going to dress up. You're the one who made me, saying 'Halloween spirit is important' or something like that."

"Because it is! And I meant, like, a Star Wars character or an inflatable dinosaur. Not Mildred Rogers from 'Of Human Bondage'."

"Well, it looks a lot better than your Leia costume, so that's not a valid argument."

You shrugged. "Not gonna deny that." The two of you linked arms and headed down to the elevator. When the two of you were in, the doors closed. "Basement floor 1, please," you said, as the elevator started sinking.

The two of you were on your way to a Halloween party thrown by the one and only Tony Stark, AKA your dad. Apparently, having kids didn't turn off his "party animal" personality, but it did turn it more overprotective -- which meant only the Avengers, Ned, MJ, and Peter were invited. It was a costume party, no alcohol (other than Thor, who was bound to bring some of his Asgardian mead), and lots of Halloween games.

"Basement floor has arrived." The doors opened, and the two of you walked out. The floor was decorated with orange and black balloons, and there fake cobwebs with spiders everywhere. For some reason, your dad decided to decorate for this, even though it was only for practically everyone who lived here. You weren't going to complain, though.

You and MJ walked in, and you immediately made a beeline for Scott and his daughter, Cassie, who was munching on pumpkin pie, because apparently that was Halloween food too. "Hi, Cass! Are you having fun?" You said. She nodded, excitedly telling you about all of the cool decorations and the skeleton that came out of nowhere and scared Scott like crazy, who immediately denied it.

After some time talking with those two, you and MJ wandered around, making fun of Sam and Bucky who were in a scare war, sitting down with Steve, who was supervising everyone and making sure no one got hurt, and being lectured by Tony not to build anything or scare anyone without telling him first because he wanted to record it, you finally found your other two best friends, who were apparently stuffing their faces with candy.

"Peter, Ned!" The two whirled around, and the first thing you noticed was that Peter was wearing a Han Solo costume. "Hey! I like your costume, Pete." For some reason, Peter was blushing when you said that, though he looked totally fine a second ago.

"Thanks! I, uh, I like yours too." You looked down at your Princess Leia costume, then back at Peter's Han Solo costume, when it finally hit you.


"Thanks!" You said, trying to hide the awkwardness from your voice. You looked at MJ, who was trying not to laugh, and shot her a glare. Of course, that did nothing.

After that...weird...incident, the four of you started hanging out. Soon, you and Peter separated from the other two when it was time for the costume contest. The judge was Steve, unfortunately, meaning MJ won first because Steve happened to love "Of Human Bondage". Thor's inflatable dinosaur won second, so you and Peter won third with the Star Wars costumes. It was a little less awkward now, but you couldn't get the thought out of your head that maybe it wasn't a coincidence -- maybe the two of you were meant to wear the costumes of a couple because you WERE supposed to be a couple?

Don't get your hopes up, Y/N, you scolded yourself. But you couldn't help it.

After this, it was around five-o-clock, and you, Ned, MJ, Peter, Cassie, Bucky, and Sam were ready to go trick-or-treating. After the Avengers lectured you all on being safe, you all finally went out. For some reason, Sam and Bucky acted more like kids than the rest of you did, ringing doorbells and scaring the people inside (when it was old ladies, they apologized profusely) and sang "Spooky Scary Skeletons" on repeat. It was embarrassing, but also hilarious and super fun. After a while, you all got cold.

Especially Peter. He had heightened senses due to his being Spider-Man, and you had noticed.

"Pete, you okay?"

"I'm f-fine." He shivered.

"You're not."

"Y-yeah, I-I think I a-am."

You gave him a pointed look, and he sighed as you took off your jacket, putting it around him. "Probably should've packed one yourself."

"Maybe. But, thanks Y/N. You didn't have to." Peter gave you a grin, and you couldn't help noting how cute it looked.

You quickly looked away. "No prob." You speedwalked to catch up to MJ, hearing Ned and Peter high-five each other behind you as a grin grew on your face.


After your bags were finally filled with candy, you all headed back home to eat dinner. It was now darker outside, and the amount of kids who were out had gone significantly down. Unfortunately, Bucky, the GPS holder, had gotten lost on the way, so you had gone in circles a couple times. This meant MJ had to get everyone home, because she was the only one capable enough. Everyone else was tired and hungry.

Cassie was now on Peter's back, who was carrying her home. Ned and you were walking side by side, Bucky and Sam fighting in the back. MJ was in the front, trying to find the way home. She wanted to go alone, because "you're all distractions" in her words. When she had gotten you home in 2 minutes, you all finally came inside.

After a quick dinner, you all settled down in the couch for a Halloween movie. Cassie wanted to sit with you and MJ, so she quickly curled up in your lap. For some reason, Peter was on the other side of you, Ned next to him. You couldn't help noticing how close the two of you were, and you were tensed up. Peter was too, trying to put as much space between the two of you as possible. What did you do?

When the movie started, Cassie settled down, and you found yourself becoming less tense, leaning on Peter's side. He had one arm around you, and you had one around Cassie. It was comfortable, Pepper bringing out blankets in a couple minutes, so you were all now even more cozy. During the scares, no one yelled except for Scott, and Peter. It was hilarious. At one point, he even dug his head into your shoulder, and you couldn't keep from laughing. It was so adorable, but anyways-

After the movie was done, Cassie was asleep, and so was Ned. You didn't fall asleep easily, and neither did MJ, but Peter was snuggled up against you, breathing coming slow and steady, so you didn't want to wake him up. Plus, he was so warm. Maybe best to sit there a couple of minutes. But you felt your eyelids thickening, and your sight becoming blurry...and according to the Avengers the next morning, you and Peter had fallen asleep in each others arms.

Let's just say that Tony and Nat demanded a long explanation of the night before's events, even though nothing really happened.

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