Chapter 1

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College. My life long dream.
The fact that I'm actually here at my dream college is amazing, but i feel a bit bad about leaving my family, well my 3 brothers and grandparents, but this is what they want for me; they want me to follow my dreams. I mean ever since my parents passed away, its been hard but we've done quite well. But anyway, as i walked onto the campus from the bus i caught all i saw were these amazing, detailed and magical statues of what people believe to be greek gods and goddesses (i mean how does anyone know what they really look like?) at the entrance, and to me that was awesome! I love the greek mythology and everything that surrounds it, and it is one of the reasons that this is my dream college. As i walked closer to a statue a boy around my age came beside me. His jaw was toned, with sparking black hair and black eyes? Is that even possible? I mean other than that he seemed as if he glowed, not in beauty but with power? Is this my nerves thinking? Probably my excitement.

"So, you seem completely and utterly lost, would you like some assistance?"
Now don't get me wrong, this guy is probably trying to be helpful, but i don't know the guy, and his presence is kinda giving me a bad vibe and a headache. Also there is like 1000 people in this part of campus that look lost due to it being the first day, so why did he not ask any of them? People are weird.
"Um...i appreciate your help, but I'm sure i can manage on my own, thank you though".
Fortunately, enough for me, the guy turned and walked away, after staring at me with an obvious fake smile and said:
"No problem, i'll be around if you do need any help though" and walked away.
Now, why would i ask him for help? He's not even a worker here, i just hope that he's not in any of my classes, because that would be very awkward. Also how would he find me, or me him. I don't even know his name. As i walked further into campus, the more i was drawn to the statues, and so i stared at them whilst appreciating their beauty before finding my way to my dorm.
As i walked to my dorm my headache was getting worse, and i swear i could hear whispering. Not the normal kind. It felt weird. As if the words spoken were different. But then again it could just be people whispering in a different language. I mean there are thousands of people here today. And so, I didnt think much of it and continued to my dorm.

As i reached my dorm, it seemed that i didnt have a room mate. For this i am very grateful, but I'm not going to get ahead of myself just yet, as there could be some late arrivals or they might just be around campus. I don't want to get ahead of myself. As a very wise person (aka MJ from Spider Man) once said "if you expect disappointment, you can never be disappointed". And so in a situation like this i will be expecting the worst. Aka a very loud, obnoxious, avid party goer as a roommate. But I didn't dwell on the situation anymore, and decided to unpack all of my things, seeing as i had time.

I had unpacked all of my belongings in around an hour, as i only brought my essentials and could always have my other things mailed to me, or I could pick them up when i go back home in the breaks. My side of the room was looking great, as a precaution for a roomie, as there was two beds. As i looked at the time it was 5pm, and so I went to explore the campus more, and try to find the cafeteria.

Another bonus of this college is that meals are included. And so with my scholarship, i was all set and could save my money in order to support my family - that is when i find a job of course, but I've seen multiple little coffee shops and such around, so i should be good. I'll just have to hold back on my book buying obsession for a while. I mean I'm gonna have to fill some of the space in my dorm somehow. What better way?

I eventually found my way to the cafeteria after wondering and seeing even more statues. Theses ones were of the other gods, that people would describe as the lesser gods. I don't feel that's way. I feel that each power has a purpose and is unique and important in its own way.

I walked in to the cafeteria, and saw that it was full of people. I mean of course it was, its literally the first day of college where there are no lessons, so you can accommodate yourself and befriend others. I mean i might sound clingy but that's literally what it said in the brochure. Don't hate on me! The school had a variety of options for food which i was thankful for as i was a very picky eater, so i picked up some fries, carrots, peas and breaded chicken. The absolute best meal ever. But then came the hard part. Seating..
As i had not made any friends.. well that guy who talked to earlier could be part of my friends list, but very, very low on it. Practically strangers, but if i helped me look like i had friends i would take his company, just sitting on opposite bends of the table.

It's this moment that makes me realise that i would be thankful for a roomie. I would have a better chance of having company to eat with, even if my introverted self didn't want to spend anymore time with them in the room or out. Selfish, i know but thats just me.

And so I braved the trip. I walked across the cafeteria to an empty table, as i kept telling myself that no one was looking at me, and that there are many other people sitting alone, and that I'm not getting any special attention. You may be asking why don't i ask the people who are also sitting alone, to sit with me. Well, thats because I don't want to talk to anyone, whereas i would be forced to talk to my roommate.

I ate my dinner quickly and quietly wanting to get out of the gazes of these unknown people. Fortunately i didn't bump into the strange guy from anything and made my way back to my dorm.

As i walked in with my key that the school gave to me this morning as i entered, i saw my dinner time dilemma's had been answered. I had a roommate. The only problem was they looked quite similar to the guy i met this morning. They wore the same type of clothes, and had the same jet black hair, yet they had blue eyes. They looked nice unlike the guy from earlier, yet had the same aura surrounded her. Hers was just dumped down in comparison to him. Could they be siblings? I just hoped they were chill like me, and not like the guy.

"Um hello, I'm Charlotte, and i guess I'm your roommate, its nice to meet you" i said as i extended my hand

Everything was silent for a minute, and the doubt creeped in. Was there something on my face, did i come across as rude? I was scared, until i was attacked. I WAS PHYSICALLY ATTACKED! This girl had me in the most suffocating hug, I think I've ever been in. She seemed nice enough, and i didnt have the courage to break it and tell her that I don't really do physical touch. She seemed to nice. Fortunately for me she broke the hug first and started screaming

"Oh my god! Hi, I'm your roommate! I'm very excited to be here, its my first time experiencing something like this. Also i saw your side of the room; those fairy lights, i am in love! Also you're so cute. Anyway, my name is Madeline"

"Well thank you, i do take pride in my room. I mean your side of the room also looks lush, i am loving the matte black vibe" i think I might like my roomie, hopefully she passes my 'what i like to do with my time' test. 'So uh what do you like to do in your free time?"

"Well i am obviously here for experience but I also need to keep my eye out for some things education wise, so ill probably be staying in most nights, yet going to a couple of parties here or there. Do u want to come to the parties with me!? I mean i can literally imagine the perfect outfits on you!"

"Oh um thank you but i like keeping to myself, so ill just be keeping myself company with you in the nights. Thank you for the invite though"

And with that Madeline says something inaudible and smiles. Creepy. She then asks if i want to eat dinner with her, yet i tell her I've already eaten but would like to eat with her for the rest of the year, to which she agreed to. She didn't seem to mind my absence , and says that she'll find people along the way to eat with. With that she leaves, and i collapse onto my bed.

I mean today could have gone worse. My diner prayers have been answered and she scored a 70% on my test which is great. With that i got ready for bed, knowing i will need to wake up early tomorrow for my lectures, and to remember to phone my family at the end of the day tomorrow. As my eyes closed, i heard the whispers again. But that's a mystery for another day, when my mind isn't shattered.

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