Chapter 3

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Benji pulled away. "You're hot." I smiled. "So are you." Benji led me to the cafeteria. I sat with Phoenix. He looked at me. "Benji beat you?" I shook me. "He kissed me." Phoenix looked mad but nodded. We went back to the cell after and just sat there.

Phoenix started getting restless. "You kissed him?" He asked. I nodded. Phoenix growled. "No. No you didn't! Your lying!" He stood up, his fist curled up. I chuckled. "Calm down! You don't even like the guy!" Phoenix lunged at me, slamming me onto the ground.

"Hey what the fuck!?" I struggled beneath him. His hands were, oh shit! His hands were struggling with my pants. No no no no no! He covered my mouth with his arm. I was trying to push him off of me. It was no use. He had gotten my pants off.

I stated screaming and struggling. I wanted him off of me. I needed help. I was gonna pass out. He was suffocating me. I was fading out. Then I heard someone yell something. "GUARDS! SOMEONE HELP EDSEN IS BEING ATTACKED!" I heard yelling and footsteps, as I faded more.

I heard Benji. "Colin!" I blacked out. I woke up in the infirmary aching. Benji sat in a chair next to me. He was staring at his hand. There was a large gash. "Where'd he get a knife? Or any bladed weapon..." Benji looked up and smiled. "Colin! Oh my god your alive!" He jumped up and kissed me. I kissed back. His tongue slid in. I blushed. A lot. Benji's throwing away his career. Then again he's not the best human.

Suddenly I felt Benji be yanked off of me. A guard had caught us. Oh no. Now Benji would probably blame it on me. Benji smirked. "Let go of me." The guard chuckled. "Wouldn't your boss love to hear this tale of betrayal." Benji chuckled. "The only tale that will be heard is the one told at your funeral!" And with that he punched the guard.

My PrisonerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang