Pre-game Kiibouma (VERY LONG)

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"Oww!" Kaito pushed me down and my books fell all over the floor. He stepped on my arm and Kaede eventually started hitting me as well. I wonder what I did this time to get them so angry. Oh right, nothing. I did nothing. I was just walking and boom. Now I'm getting kicked and punched and abused.

I was sitting in a small alleyway near my friends Chiaki and Himiko's house. I would usually go to Chiaki's house and her girlfriend, Mikan, would heal and treat my wounds, and after that I would play video games with Chiaki. And I also usually go to Himiko's house, but she was usually just practicing magic. But today I didn't feel like going to their houses. I dunno why. I sat in between a large garbage can and some trash that some guy threw at me. But I just placed it next to me. I huddled my legs up to my chest and drooped my head down and started sobbing loudly. Nobody cared or even heard me so I complained and cried my eyes out all to myself. It was quite relaxing, actually. The pouring rain hit my head so hard to the point where it actually started to hurt. Some guy who looked about the same age as me walked by the alleyway and noticed me. He stuck his head to make sure of something cuz' I certainly didn't know him. He ducked down and stuck his hand out to me and asked, "Hey are you okay?" He had beautiful grey-ish dark lime eyes that shone brighter than the moon itself, he had a bloody nose, and a band aid covering the bridge of his nose, a black hat on, covering his other eye, a black suit with a tie with an array of blue stripes all over it, a backpack with some posters hanging in the side pockets. He definitely was taller than me, and very beautiful. But just because he's pretty doesn't mean you should trust him just yet. "W-what do you want with me?" I said while backing up father towards the wall to the point where I hit the wall. "H-hey, I'm not gonna hurt you," 'jee that's convincing much' "You look injured... what happened to you..?" He said, bending down to squat in front of me. I didn't respond. Was it not obvious? I had been beat. Wasn't obvious WHO, but I personally think it'd be prettyyyy easy to find out. "Here. Come with me. My parents aren't home right now, so you should be able to stay at my house for tonight." He said, grabbing my hand. He lifted me up and we started walking to his house. "Hey, it's pouring really hard. You want my umbrella?" he said, handing me his umbrella. I pushed it back towards him, and scooted more towards him. He was warm. I wrapped my arms around his left arm, and rested my head on his shoulder. He was really...really warm. I closed my eyes and just followed wherever he led me.


He's so cute! Oh? What's this! He fell asleep! My heart started pounding harder and harder as the seconds passed. I picked him up. He certainly wasn't the heaviest. I arrived at my house, walked in, went through the backyard, and went into the shed I had designed just for me. I placed him on the bed and carefully took out my camera making sure I didn't make any noises or I'd wake him up. Ah! He's just so splendidly cute when he's asleep! I could never get enough of him! I snapped at least 20 pictures of his whole body! Ahahahaha! Oh man I could never get enough of him! I hid the pictures in my notebook. I started to drool and my nose started to bleed more. I got in the bed with him and I covered us with the blanket. Oh how so lucky I was to be sleeping with a one of a kind beauty!


Huh? I opened my eyes and I was facing a wall covered in Danganronpa posters and drawings. I lifted my head up a bit and looked around. There was Danganronpa everywhere! I was on his bed and he was sleeping next to me. He looked really peaceful, so I tried not to wake him as I got up from the bed. There was a notebook on top of his desk. I opened it and about 20 somethin' pictures fell out! I picked them up and-! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS! I said in my mind not realizing I had also said it out loud. I fell down and I covered my mouth in utter shock. I knew it! He's just some crazy guy who wanted to use my body and stalk me! He woke up hurriedly and started scrambling up excuses. I punched him and ran out. Damn it! Why isn't anything fair in this world! I ran to the train station to go to My friend Maki's house so I could tell her about him. She would certainly kick his a$$. Who knows maybe she would kill the bastard. Maki was really protective and would kill anyone and anything for her friends. I sat down and tears rolled down my face. 'Damn it..!' "H-huh?" Some guy who also looked the same age as me, who was as pale as paper, had white hair swaying to the right and a black hat was reading a book. He noticed I was crying and placed his book down, took a napkin, and wiped my tears. "O-oh u-uh thank y-you" I said as I stared at his bright blue eyes as he got up from his seat to get to the train before it left us there. I got up as well walking behind him as I got onto the train. I walked into his row because well.. I dunno... he felt.. safe to me I guess. Anyways there is also no way I'm sitting with some old perv. I walked down the aisle of chairs until I found him and sat down. He was reading his book again. He was a lot taller than me (I hc that Pregame Kiibo is taller than ingame Kiibo idk why). A few minutes passed before he had actually said something, "So... what happened that made you trigger the waterworks?" He said in a low voice and flipped the page of his book. "It's a pretty long story.." I said not really wanting to tell him what happened. "Well," He said, closing his book and placing it on his lap."let's hear it." He said looking at me. With him looking at me like this I feel like he's staring straight into my soul! Whatever. "*sigh* okay so.." I said. I added onto the sentence talking about what happened with Kaito and Kaede, and then what happened with the creepy guy that took me to his house and all about the pictures and so on so forth. "That's quite the story. Well, you definitely weren't lying about the fact that It was long." "Anyways, the train's gonna be stopping in 6 minutes or so." He said opening his book up again. "Oh uh I-i know this might s-sound weird but could we.. uhm possibly exchange n-numbers? W-we don't h-have to o-of course!" I said, kind of embarrassed. He took out the piece of paper he was using as a bookmark and wrote down his number. "Here, and don't lose it cuz' I'm not writing it again." He said, handing the piece of paper. We both got off the train and walked to our destinations. I arrived at Maki's house being so happy I almost forgot why I came there. I grabbed the notebook that I got from the guy and I remembered to jot down his address in case Maki needed it. I knocked on her door. "Yes..?" Kirumi, Maki's girlfriend, said, opening the door only peeking a bit of her head out.

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