Drv3 college AU!!

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(Kokichi POV)

(TW!!!: Pr0n mentions, cringe)

'Ah crap! Why does one small thing always trigger her to kill me.. jeez' I shivered a bit, both out of being cold because my heater isn't working correctly, and out of being scared that Maki would kill me. I mean, not like she would ACTUALLY kill me. She would like.. get in huge trouble anyways.. "Maki please don't. It's not gonna get you anywhere. It's not gonna help." Was that the other person that came with her? Isn't it Shuichi? "Kokichi, where are you? You can come out now.. You know" Shuichi said. Jeez is he as idiotic as Kaito? If I get out she'll kill me! Some people really need some common sense sometimes. I sighed trying not to be too loud or else Maki would find me. "If I said he wasn't hot, then I'd be lyin' Please, handsome, don't be coy, Come on fuck me, emo boy! Come on, fuck me, emo boy Come on, fuck me, emo boy Come on, fuck me, emo boy Come on, fuck me, emo boy" MY PHONE RANG! DAMN ITTTT! I rushed to stop whoever was calling me, but ended up dropping my phone like a fuckin' mess. "There you are" Maki said

(Narrator POV)

Shuichi stood at the door, a small blush falling on his cheeks (it's the song for Kokichi's ringtone for me) Rantaro stood at the door with Shuichi "Hey do you want me to try and stop Maki or you gonna do it?" Rantaro said "Ah- Sorry- I.. spaced out." Shuichi said while going to get Maki "Hey Maki please just stop it's not gonna help"

(Kokichi POV a g a i n)

As soon as Shuichi went to get me, I sprinted out as fast as I could, and went to Rantaro. I hid behind him. "Hey Kokichi." Rantaro said "Hey Amami-chan" "You should go get Kaito. He can help with this kinda stuff." "There's no way I'm going to get that idiot! You get him!" I responded. Rantaro didn't respond, and stood there silent. "Ughhhhh. Fineeeee. I'll get the idiottt!" I said while I ran to Kaito's dorm. "KAIT- OWWWW!" I was about to call the idiot but.. I fell. I fell on my left side, my ribs were quaking "OWWWWWWWW UGHHHHHH" Jeez. I think i just broke a god damn rib. "KAITOOOOOO GET OUT HERE YOU IDIOTTTT!" I yelled at the door as I tried to sit myself up. "IM COMINGGGGGGG" he yelled back at me and opened the door "What do you want Kokichi" Maki heard all of this and before I even noticed she was right behind me... "SHES GONNA KILL MEEEEEEEE" I yelled "Maki, no." Kaito said, looking Maki in the eyes. "Maki yes." Maki responded, and took her hand as she was about to choke me. Before she could reach my neck, my ribs still killing me, I got up and ran behind Kaito. "Maki Roll stop. It's not worth it." Maki let out a loud sigh. Jeez I'm pretty sure the whole world heard that. "Fine. But next time I'm really gonna kill the little bitch." Maki said to Kaito. "And I told you not to call me Maki Roll."

Degenerate males and stealing phones

Kokichi POV

Ugh class is soooooooooo boring. Glad I brought my phone! Nishishi! I opened my bag quietly and took out my phone. I used it under my desk and looked up every so often so the teacher wouldn't suspect that I'm using my phone. "Kokichi! Why are you using your phone! It is class time! Give me your phone!" The teacher said. I hurriedly stuck my phone in a hidden pocket inside my bag so he wouldn't find it. "Give me your bag!" The teacher yelled at me. No way was he going to find my phone, and there isssss a way I can make this entertaining. "No." I said to him. Nishishi. This is going to go exactly as planned. "Give me your bag. Now!" He demanded. "I never told you that you could look inside my bag. It's my bag. It's my property, and I never gave you permission to scrummage through my bag." I told the old hag while he angrily took the bag away from my hands. I mean, I should allow him to search my bag. Not him just taking it and looking through my personal belongings. He wouldn't stop searching through my bag, so I got up and went to his bag. His bag was sitting on top of the extra seats to the side of his desk. I opened it and started searching for his phone. Jeez. How much stuff does this old geezer bring with him? Oh, well this is interesting. I found something that would make this even more entertaining than I had already planned. I picked up the thing and tossed it on his desk. Underneath it, was his phone. Even better. "Get away from my bag! I never gave you permission to search through it!" The teacher said. Bruh- is this old man seriously THAT stupid?! Oh well. At least it's entertaining! "That makes no sense. I told you that same thing. I don't get how this makes sense! I should be giving you permission to search through my bag, just like you just said. You have no right to be searching in there. Oh, and I found your phone under a few porn magazines." I said. Tenko gasped and jumped out of her chair. "I KNEW YOU WERE A DEGENERATE MALE! HOW DARE YOU LOOK AT THESE POOR FEMALES FORCED TO DO PHOTOSHOOTS OF THEM IN LEWD POSITIONS AND WITHOUT CLOTHING!" Tenko yelled and ran down to the teacher. The teacher was about one foot away from me, and she ran down and grabbed his arm, sweeped his leg and threw him on the floor.

(hbdhcbwdhcbhjd really old, beware of cringe)

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