Chapter 20- Lake Trip With The Bad Boy Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

The bad boy brought movies? This is a surprise.

“That might be a good idea.” I admit shyly.

At least this way when I feel nervous or my thoughts become to much I can concentrate on the movie.

I push myself off the couch and make my way to the small selection of movies beside the TV. And by small I mean three movies. The Notebook, A Walk to Remember and Last Song. This time it was my turn to look amused.

“Nicholas Sparks fan are we?”

“Don’t look at me. Those were here when I got here. I think the last couple that stayed left them.”

“Sure they did.” I tease opening the case to one of the movie and putting it in.

As I return to the couch I notice Brody wearing a curious look with his arms crossed over his chest staring at me.

“And what makes you think I watch chick flicks?”

The memories of Twilight playing came to mind causing me to chuckle intentionally. The causes him to immediately become suspicious.


“Nothing.” I lie as another fit of laughter pushes it way past my lips.

Just the thought of Brody in his bed watching The Notebook was enough to send me over the edge. Who would have thought it? I don’t think anyone would believe me if I told them. Not that I would try or else I’m pretty sure this undercover softie wouldn’t think twice about killing me.

“Then you leave me no choice.” He says just as I sober up.

Without warning I feel his hands on my side once again only this time not in an intimate manor. I squirm and scream and he squeezes my sides to get a confession out of me but I insist on being strong. That is until he lowers his hands to my hip bone. Oh no. Anything but that. Not my week spot. And then it happens. All in one breath I give up the information he wanted.

“I heard you watching twilight the night you stayed over at my house.”

I do my best to regain my breath after he finally stops tickling me and stare into the shocked eyes of the bad boy.

“I thought you were asleep.”

“I guess you thought wrong.” I smirk.

“I-I was just…i-it was on and….” He looks at a total loss for words before me and I can’t help but laugh. He can’t even think of a good excuse.

“Tell anyone and-”

“I know, I know.” I say. “Don’t worry I won’t say a word.”

He looks more than relieved by my words and visibly relaxes.

“It’s not like anyone would believe it anyway.” I mumble.

I’m not sure if he heard me but if he does he chooses to ignore it and focuses he’s attention on the movie.

“You know, there is something else I remember.” I admit.

His attention shifts back to me making me more nervous than ever before. Am I really about to tell him this? Can I do it? Why must I over think things so much?

“And what is it?” He asks with an indescribable emotion in his voice.

Gathering up the courage to tell him I reveal everything.

“The night I stayed at your house I heard you say something before I feel asleep. Something I wasn’t quite sure you really said until the next day.”

He gave me no reaction, nothing I could really go off of so I continued.

“Your exact words were and I quote “Farrah what are you doing to me?” “

I swallow hard waiting for him to reply but instead he stays quiet offering me nothing in return. He eyes bore into mine making my whole body shiver in pleasure. Without words his hands make their way to my face and he slowly pulls me to him making me grow impatient for what he’s about to do.

“What are you doing to me?” He whispers.

Before I can reply his lips come down on mine causing all thoughts to cease. Brody lips are now all I can think about and all I want to think about. His warm lips work against mine in perfect rhythm before his tongue touches my lips. Without needing to think about it I part my lips giving him accesses to every inch of my mouth.

By this point my mind is in overdrive by what taking place. And how did I end up on my back with Brody hovering over me. Oh no this is really happening isn’t it? I’m about to lose it to…. But wait am I even ready for this? We’ve not even known each other that long. Should we really be moving this fast.

Mind is yelling at me to stop but my body seems to have other ideas and I feel confused at which one I should listen to. They both make very strong points, what should I do?

I furrow my eye brows up in confusion when suddenly he pulls away. Put of me feels rejected while another part of me feels relief because this one action brings me back to my senses. Though that doesn’t keep me from asking the question going through my mind.

“Why did you stop?”

“Because I want you to be ready and I know that you’re not.” He says getting off of me and sitting down on the couch. “I know you want it to be special and doing it while on vacation with your family and your ex boyfriend the next cabin over isn’t it.”  

It’s like he’s reading me like an open book. He is completely right. Does he really know me that well? He is really so much a gentleman he’s willing to wait? He is not the bad boy I thought he was….he’s better.

“Thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me. It’s what anyone who really cared about you would do.” He states.

He cares about me? So by waiting that proves how much this relationship really means to him. I’m not just another girl to him.

“And just to show you how committed I am. I’ll even sit through this entire movie with you.” He chuckles.

I smile at his attempt to lighten the mood and realize how great he really is. You’re really something else Brody Bauer, something else entirely.

“Fine. Just try to refrain for mouthing the words.” I tease.

“I’ve never even seen this movie.” He defends.

“Sure, whatever you say.”

“I haven’t.”

I tune out his attempts to convince me he isn’t into any other “Chick Flicks” but I‘ll always think otherwise. It’s much funnier this way.




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PS: This chapter is unedited. 

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