62 This is My Secret

Start from the beginning

Paul looked at the cave's entrance, blocked by trees being watered by the sheets of rain.

"That's when we found this empty cave. Luxray made sure we had this space to ourselves. We've been here ever since, and I've been watching over you the whole time."

My lips parted in awe.

He saw my face and turned even redder. "Don't be so impressed! I didn't do much but bandage all the injuries I could see, and I fed the Pokémon using the few pathetic cooking skills I have, and I got water from a creek nearby. That's about it."

"That's pretty impressive if you ask me," I softly replied.

He scoffed. "Don't be. It's nothing. I'm just glad we found this cave so fast."

My mind suddenly sprouted a thought.

"Hey, wait a minute. How did you even get here? You said you left the Silph building in a hurry, stopped by the dojo, and escaped the city, so you must've used a Pokémon to get around so quickly. Which one of our Pokémon can run 300 miles in one setting while carrying both of us?"

"Uh, we didn't run," answered Paul. "We flew."

"But Pidgeot and Fearow can't carry both of us."

"Nope. You're right. They can't."

"Then, who?"

A growl emanated from behind me, from the shadows behind the fire.

As I turned to look, my breath hitched.

A bipedal, draconic Pokémon stood within the confines of the cave, her back facing the back wall. Two massive wings plastered to her back made her appear a lot more intimidating than normal. She'd been using her tail to keep the fire alive, with a pile of wood and tinder sitting a bit to the side that Raichu had collected, apparently. The dragon's eyes never left me even as she remained on fire duty.

"Charmeleon evolved," began Paul. "Into—"

"Charizard!" Despite everyone's advice, I hurriedly rushed to my feet. "You evolved?!"

Charizard nodded.

I nearly choked up. "Why do I keep missing everyone's evolutions lately?"

Luxray, Raichu, and Charizard all gave tiny laughs.

"I'm sorry for missing yours," I said as I stepped towards the dragon. "Especially after wanting my very own Charizard for so long."

"You have ... Oh!" gasped Paul. "Is that why, when we first met Charmander, you already found yourself caring so much about her? And why you care about all the members of the evolution line?"

"Mmhmm, guilty," I said with a grin. "Hey, can I touch one of your wings?"

Charizard eagerly held out a wing.

As I felt the wing's scaly undersides and bony joints, I giggled like a child. "Look! You have wings! Isn't that awesome?! I bet you fly really fast. We need to go out for a test flight right away!" She excitedly insisted that we fly together once the rain clears. "I think that's a great idea!"

"You sure love your Charizard."

"I do! A long time ago, I knew someone who had a Charizard, and I've wanted one ever since." With a trembling heart, I embraced my warm, orange dragon. "Thank you for helping Paul and the others while I was out. I appreciate it."

Her wings wrapped around me.

I couldn't stop the gleeful smile. "I have a Charizard. My own Charizard. My Charla."

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