I wanna be yours

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"Welcome back class , today we'll be welcoming a new student who's come all the way from a therapeutic boarding school in Canada , lets all welcome him with open arms" miss asey blabbered on about this new student whilst I was just trying to finish working on our science assignment

"Everybody this is Duncan , let's all give him a warm welcome" seriously who can be this motivated on a first period Monday "Hello Duncan" the class said in unison what is this military camp , I quietly continued with my assignment my eyes were basically glued to my paper until my vision was covered by someone leaning over my desk in front of me

"Not very polite to ignore new students princess" I look up and my eyes meet with Bridgette's brother , I can basically feel my heart in my ass.  I sat there in silence until miss asey interrupted this totally not awkward confrontation.

"Please take your seat Duncan" he starts to walk away from me and to the seat next to me "Somebody's already sitting there" I say as he's about to take a seat "Then say can sit elsewhere" he responds why did he have to choose the seat near me god this day is gonna be a nightmare

Finally it's lunch after a crucial hour of listening to my Art teacher talk about her fascination for 80's and Duncan flirting with every girl in his eye range , I go to meet Bridgette at our usual table in the corner of the cafeteria when I see 4 people sat there instead of 2 I sit down when I realise it's Duncan and Heather kasuga

Heathers known for being the biggest slut in the school and probably the most narcissistic self obsessed bitch you'll ever meet.

"Spewy , what a pleasure to see you" Heather says as I sit down why does she call me spewy you may ask , in the 9th grade I kissed with this boy called Justin and his breath was so bad I vomited all in his mouth. "What are they doing here" I basically spit at Bridgette "Duncan needed somewhere to sit he is my brother after all" bridge replies "Well this is a one time thing right?" "Yes Courtney don't worry".

I'm trying to enjoy my salad but when you looking at to wart hogs sucking of eachother faces it's pretty hard to swallow "Could you two cut it out" I yell interrupting Duncan and Heather from their make out sesh , they had known eachother for 1 hour and they were basically dry humping eachother over the table "Don't worry it's your turn next babe" Duncan says smirking at me , I can feel heathers eyes glaring at me and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to piss her off , "While that's an incredible offer duncan I'll pass on contracting whatever disease you've probably caught from heathers unwashed mouth."

Heather sticks her finger at me then her and Duncan continue to go cave digging in each other's mouthes when Duncan opens his eyes and looks at me he smirks before turning his vision back to Heather , my heart skips a beat and I choke on my salad , Heather giggles to herself "I know you eat like an animal court but atleast have the decency to chew next time"Heather says to me. I give her a dirty look before picking up my tray and walking away.

This chapter was so cringe but I hope yall enjoyed it

I'm still not the best writer so ignore my horrible writing skills 😭

Also I put a song at the top of each chapter feel free to listen whilst reading 🧡

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