Chapter 3: frustration

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This is a shorter piece, I didn't want to keep you waiting too long!  So have fun reading!  And ideas for the story are always welcome in the comments or via messages on wattpad or via instagram (@_niall_the_badboy_)

Niall leaves the room without saying something.

When Niall left the room, me and my father talked for a bit. After a while he suggested to drop me off at home so I could rest. When I get home it's dead quiet, wasn't Marta here today? I think, it's kind of scary, but maybe there was something urgent that she needed to get to. I go to my room to get changed. When I enter the room I see a person sitting in my chair in the corner of the room. I am shocked and frightened until I see who it is. "Niall, WHAT THE HELL, how did you even get in here?" I ask. "Remember i have the key from the house" "YOU HAVE 5 SECONDS TO BE OUT OF HERE BEFORE I CALL MY FATHER!" I yell. "Take it easy little one, I just wanted to check how you were" "You've seen now I'm okay so now you can leave, Bye Niall" "Okay okay it's alright I'm leaving, see you next time Beauty Niall leaves the room "DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" "Okay Darling" ugh he's so annoying. But finally rest, now I can finally change clothes and finally do my thing in peace.

After more than 4 hours of watching Teen Wolf, I hear the door open downstairs. "Daddy is that you?" "No, it's me Martha!" "Ah" looks down. "not so happy to see me again," martha laughs. "No sorry I'm very happy to see you but I thought it was daddy I haven't seen him since this afternoon he had some things to sort out and he promised it would only take a little while but we are already 4 hours later" "Oh sorry dear, do you want to help?" "Yeah, how can i help" " I'm going to make cookies, could you help me?" "I would love it" "Okay, you start measuring the quantities". After a while the cookies are ready to go in the oven. "I liked this so much" "Same for me darling"

Marta continued to do other works in the house and in the meantime I waited on the couch until Father comes home until I hear the door open downstairs. "FATHER, IS THAT YOU" I hear no response and only hear a painful moan but not Daddy's. I walk downstairs and see Niall covered in blood in the hallway. "NIALL, ARE YOU OKAY!" "Your father, he ..." Niall falls away. "NIALL NIALL WHATS WRONG WITH MY FATHER! NIALL PLEASE" the tears are already flowing. "MARTHA! MARTHA!" weeping I call. "Darling what's wrong" "Niall, he said there was something wrong with daddy and I don't know what, he might as well be injured maybe even worse he might be dead"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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