Chapter 2: THE DAY!

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Finally the day has come when I take my first steps in the mafia.

After a very long drive to "daddy's work" we finally arrive.  "We're here" I look around and see nothing but desert and a large garage.  The garage was completely black and I saw cameras every few meters, as we get closer to the door I see someone coming towards us.  He didn't seem that old. 

I recognized him, the boy with brown hair I've seen him before at our house, it's daddy's right hand Niall.  Before I can realize it, he is already in front of us.  "Good morning, Mr. Romona, I see you have your daughter with you today," he says, before I can say hello or introduce myself, my father is already ahead of me.  "Niall this is Aurélie, Aurélie this is Niall, if you need anything while we are here you can always ask him".  "Hello Niall or should I say something else to you?" I ask.  "You can just say Niall, Mrs. Romano." I see him looking seriously, not a smile on his face.  "You can say Aurélie, it's not that I'm your boss" I say laughing to him, he is shocked at first, but then calls me Aurélie.

(I will introduce Niall, niall has always been a bit of "family".  To my father he is like 'his own son' but to me he has always been a person who has been in my life since I was born.  He also tours a lot as a singer, but it's actually a way to smuggle drugs, weapons and other things across the border, I heard that once when my father and his men were downstairs discussing how his tour would go.  I don't really like him, he takes everything so seriously, never smiles and sleeps with every girl he can.  That's why I try to distance myself from him, I'm safe anyway because I'm THE DAUGHTER of his boss but still i try to keep distance.)

We have already walked in and I look around, on the left they were busy with all kinds of different weapons, on the other side with the drugs and money, and they were also checking the cars and buses. When Niall's cell phone rings, he walks away from us.  He's been watching us for quite some time and I can see him arguing with the person on the other side of the phone.  After a while he comes back. "Boss, I know it's your daughter's birthday but there are big problems and I can't solve them, you'll have to help," Niall says with fear.

My father sighs "Princess I'm going to have to solve this for a while, Niall will you show her around while I'm gone?"  "Yes boss" "Take good care of her, if I hear that something is not right you know the consequences" he says before he goes into a door.  I look towards the door and get some tears, this is an important day for me and he leaves me with the person I hate the most on this planet.  "So it's you and me alone," he says with a smile.  "Apparently" I say with tears in my eyes.  Niall comes closer to me and gives me a hug, as soon as he doesn't hold me tight for a second I try to break free but it doesn't work.  "LET GO OF ME" I yell all over the garage.  Everyone looks at us "quiet, you're going to have to like me soon or later".  I look at him questioningly "has your father not told you anything yet, you are going to marry me" he says calmly.  "you're joking right? My father would never do such a thing" I look at him but I see he speaks the truth.

I freeze and after a second everything goes black

After a while I wake up and look around me. I see all black walls and there's not that much furniture. I start to panic a bit and start to get a bit dizzy. "Where am I?" "You're still in headquarters" I hear a familiar voice say. I see my dad sitting next to my bed and I see Niall standing in the corner looking at me. "What happened?" "Niall was showing you around, you two were talking and all of a sudden you fell down."

I remember what happend, I have to ask him I want to know. "Dad is it true i have to marry him?" He looks at Niall with a not so happy face. "I SAID I WOULD TELL HER WHEN THE TIMES READY, WHAT DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?" I've never seen dad so angry. "sorry sir, I said it without thinking" he is staring to the ground. "GET OUT I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU TODAY!" Niall leaves the room without saying something.

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