Start from the beginning

Jimin was thankful for jungkook being there for him as held onto the his hands tightly feeling safe.

As usual jimin and jungkook sat beside each other in the hall as the movie started.


" Look I'm sure he's the serial killer" taehyung stated to rosé who nodded seriously as if they were the detectives who were solving the case in the movie.

" Or it can be his brother as well!" Jin joined in and all three of them nodded again seriously. It made jungkook laugh as his stupid friends were taking the movie too seriously. He looked at jimin who was watching the movie seriously as he kept eating popcorn. He looked so cute his eyebrows were furrowed as he focused on the movie and his small hands were clutching the popcorn tightly.

It made jungkook smile jimin was looking so beautiful even in the dim lights of the hall. The movie was boring it was way more intresting to watch jimin.

Suddenly jimin stretched his body being tired due to sitting at the same place for too long. So he stretched and placed his head on jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook's body tensed for a second but then he relaxed. His heart was beating faster as he could smell jimin's sweet, calming vanilla scent that always do things to him. His face was buried in jungkook's neck as jimin's long eyelashes were caressing the skin of his neck from the time to time when he blinked.

Jungkook clutched the armset of his seat harder to calm his heart. But nothing seem to work as jimin kept his head rested on jungkook's shoulder and jungkook was just sitting there with his heart a mess and engulfed in jimin's sweet vanilla scent.


" Oh wah! I knew it was his brother all along!" Rosé said.

" Yeah but they were throwing shade on the father the whole time that I thought it was him" jimin said pouting.

" That's what they do in these suspense movies. They throw shade on one person the whole movie and in the end it turns out that he's NOT the killer." Yoongi said and everyone agreed.

" Oh my god can you guys stop with the movie discussion. It was so boring" jungkook said uninterested as everyone looked at him for a second and ignored him,  walking forward towards the food court still discussing about the movie leaving jimin and jungkook behind.

" Did they just ignored me?!" Jungkook asked  jimin who just laughed loudly.

Jimin held jungkook's hands and pulled at it to make him move.

" You are boring kookie. You don't like anything" jimin complained as jungkook playfully glared at him making jimin laugh.

Suddenly their moment was cut short when the same group of men came around again.

" Oh why is the pretty boy never alone?" One of the men said in a creepy tone as his other companions laugh.
Jungkook glared at them and was about to say something when jimin held his heads tighter shaking his head telling him to ignore them.

Jungkook sighed as they continued walking.

" Hey cutie wanna visit me at our place?" One of them asked again looking at jimin smiling like a creep as jimin just looked around seeing people just looking at the scene and no one stepping in to help them.

" Keep doing this nonsense and he'll visit you at the hospital !" Jungkook said with gritted teeth as jimin told him not to indulge and just ignore them.

" Oh my god why are you so pissed bro? Are you his boyfriend or something?" They asked jungkook.

" It's none of your fucking business get the fuck out from here before you still have time" jungkook threatened.

" Jungkook don't please......" Jimin whispered begging him to ignore them he don't wanna create a scene they were here to enjoy.

" Oh come on man! You have such a treasure. Would you mind sharing?" The man asked making jimin disgusted as jungkook lost it and landed a strong punch at the man's face making everyone around them gasp.

" Jungkook!" Jimin shouted trying to stop jungkook but it didn't work.

Jungkook punched the man again who fell down on the ground as jungkook straddled him and punched him hard.

Jimin started crying as he was panicking he pulled at jungkook's hand trying to stop him.

" Please jungkook stop.....don't .. please....." Jimin pleaded but jungkook didn't listen landing punch after punch too blinded with rage.

He looked around for help and saw his friends running towards them after hearing the commotion.

" Taehyung! Make him stop please!" Jimin said panicking and taehyung and namjoon moved forward to pull jungkook forcibly away from the man.

The creepy man's other companions were already standing at back scared when they saw jungkook beating their friend brutally so they didn't stepped in.

" Stop jungkook!" Namjoon scolded as he and taehyung pulled jungkook away who was trying to get out of their grips.

The man got up his face bloody as he ran out of the mall scared for his life.

Jimin came forward in front of jungkook who was burning with rage as he shrugged himself out of taehyung's and namjoon's hold and was about to chase the man but jimin stopped him and stood in front of him.

" It's okay kookie they're gone now" jimin said softly cupping jungkook's cheeks as the crowd around them started to leave getting to their own work as only the group of friends were standing there.

Jungkook calmed down at the feeling of jimin's soft palm caressing his cheeks as if bringing him back to the world.

Jimin moved his hands from jungkook's cheeks and moved it to his arms rubbing it up and down in order to calm him down.

" L.... let's eat something now" hobi said trying to reduce the tension and everyone nodded before moving towards the food court as jimin held jungkook's hand pulling him along with him.


" What the fuck did even happened?" Taehyung asked confused when they all were sitting in the food court enjoying their orders.

" That mam was verbally molesting jimin" jungkook said with a straight face still feeling rage.

" What a jerk you did right jungkook!" Rosé said.

" Rosé don't encourage him. Violence is not the option. We could have just ignored them and avoided making a scene.......they were four and we were just two.......thank god his other friends didn't stepped in........what would have happened if his other friends would have joined as well....... It would be one against four.......they could have grouped together to hurt him." Jimin said worriedly.

" Yeah need to ignore things sometimes jungkook." Yoongi said and jungkook didn't said anything but just kept eating his food.

Suddenly jimin's eyes fell on jungkook's hand and his eyes widen. Jungkook's knuckles were badly bruised because of the punches.

" Kookie your hands...." Jimin said holding them.

" It's fine" jungkook tried to ease jimin worries but it didn't help.

" No it's not.....when we'll leave I'm gonna patch you up at your home and then leave for my place.....I wouldn't leave without aiding it" jimin said stubbornly and jungkook just smiled and nodded at him .


                   TO BE CONTINUED

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