"Dad, I don't think being a scribe is honestly of any use," I whined. "Can I please go do something?"

"Like what, sweetie," he asked. It sounded much more like a robot though for how monotone it was.

"I don't know. Isn't there a gym or something in this hotel? I haven't worked out in a while and my muscles are so," I paused to stretch in an attempt to make it sound more dramatic, "stiff."

"Alleah, you know how I feel about you going out of my sight," he glanced at me with his best expression of worry. "That worries the heck out of me."

"Well is there something else we can do?" I wondered. "I just want to do something. Anything."

"Honey, I really need to focus. Didn't you bring stuff to do?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"Go get it, love. I am so close to finding some answers about this legend. Please?"

"Ugh," I groaned, standing up from my chair. I wasn't used to being trapped in such a little space for this long. It might sound pathetic but I went outside at least once to five times each day. This was pure torture.

"Boss, I could watch her," Phil offered, making my spirits lift. Did my ears just trick me, or was he serious?

"Don't you want to help Barry and I?"

"Well, I tried. I couldn't find anything about Zemlicka. I'll help you by watching your daughter. She's been cooped up for way too long. I understand why she wants to get out because honestly I'm ready for a break too."

"Well, I guess an hour won't hurt," my father sighed. He looked like his forehead was going to explode from stress and I had to give it to the poor guy. He had way too much to think about.

"Thanks, Dad!" I squealed. I practically danced all the way to my suitcase, throwing on some of my volleyball gym shorts and a tshirt that I brought for exercising. Once my basketball shoes were on, I skipped out to meet Phil, where he stood in his regular clothes, ready to go.

"Bye, Brent!" Phil called. "We will be back in about an hour!"

My father looked up from his screen. "Alright, you two be careful. Don't do anything stupid and if you see anything suspicious, get your behinds back here as fast as you can," he tipped his head in our direction,"got it?"

"Picture perfect," I winked and turned to walk out the door. "Bye, Dad!"

"Bye, Alleah. Love you, sweetheart!" he called seconds before Phil pulled the door closed behind him. He locked it with the spare key the hotel had given us and slipped in his pocket as we began to walk.

"Alright, punk. What are we going to do?" Phil grinned at me and I chuckled.

"Oh, just a small workout," I winked at him, thinking of my definition of a small workout. Who knows what my small workout would amount to with a twenty-seven year old.

"That's good because this young adult right here is not at all fit. As a matter of fact, I should probably hire a trainer to get rid of my refrigerator," he snorted, grabbing at the teeny amount of chubbiness that he had around his ribs. I could hardly even tell that it was there until he pointed it out.

"Oh, shut up, Phil," I smacked his shoulder roughly. "You're fine. I didn't even notice."

"I'm just messing with myself," he elbowed me playfully and I laughed a little at him.

"You and Barry are hopeless. It's official," I shook my head. We started down the long flight of stairs about then and little did he know he would be doing this a few times. His thighs would be dead.

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