My father laughed. "Yes, you are. Now let's get started."

"How should we do this?" Phil asked curiously. "I have no clue where to start."

"Well, I was planning this out in my head last night while I was having troubles resting and there were mainly two things. My first thought was to send Barry on his way to keep finding out more about that love curse on the website he discovered. My second was to find out who in the world Zemlicka is and what he wants with my children. Phil, can you handle that?"

"I'm on it, boss," he nodded from the couch.

"As for me, I'm going to get some information too but it's not specific. Alleah, you'll write down what we tell you to. Important things."

"Okay," I agreed, grabbing some writing supplies and sitting down from the cupboard. The three men got to work and I doodled on the side as I waited for important information.

It had to have been at least fifteen minutes of silence before anyone even spoke up. I was getting bored and was tempted to go get my phone and text Jess. She had been on my case for the past few days about keeping in touch with her. I had texted her and reminded her what kind of chaos was going on in my life, therefore making it hard for me to constantly keep in touch.

What made it worse was that my foster mom, the woman who had raised me, was worried sick. There was no doubt that I felt like a witch for ditching her last minute without warning, but in all honesty there was really not a choice. Thankfully her sister was there for her along with my little foster cousins who were as adorable as ever. But still, I felt so terrible and Jessica had been so kind to remind me of what I'd done. She was seriously going to be the death of me but I still loved her.

"This is hopeless, Brent," Phil said with worry in his voice which instantly snapped my attention back. "I can't even find a character of information about Zemlicka. He's nowhere to be found. I even looked through the old work profiles for your old job and he's practically ancient."

"He's not there?" This time my father was the one who sounded anxious.

"Maybe he's an alien," I joked.

"An alien? Holy freak, what if she's right?" Barry gasped, giving the other two a look. They exchanged probably the most disturbing of anxious faces and I felt my stomach flip. I was kidding...

"That doesn't sound possible," my father said after a very stressful few seconds and made a face before he returned to his laptop. The crease in his forehead disappeared and I relaxed back as well. Thank heaven they didn't take that seriously. Well, my father anyway.

"Maybe he just deleted his profile after he kidnapped Andrew," I suggested, attempting to ease the distress in the room.

"But that doesn't explain why I can't find anything about him," Phil pointed out.

"He may not be known to anyone. Maybe he's being secretive," Barry offered. "He may be invisible on purpose."

"That sounds more realistic. I don't know, I guess we will have to find out."

"How?" I asked Phil. "Finding out" did not sound very promising. We would have to go right up to him for heavens sake. I certainly didn't want to be in that position.

"Well. I don't know."

"Great. So basically what you're saying is he's going to remain a mystery for as long as we stay away from him?" I rolled my eyes. "Joy."

"Pretty much," Barry shrugged. He returned his attention back to his device and once again I was left there to doodle. We seriously needed a new laptop.

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