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Lucky wouldn't deny that she was concerned, and a bit scared.

Half of the wooden bridge leading to the volcanic islet was slightly burnt, nearly as good as coal, creaking. And with the ocean waves washing below, that was extreme.

Who even thought that building a wooden bridge to a literal volcano was a good idea anyway??

Warm and cozy, that was Lucky's first impression upon setting foot on Oni Island, except for the heavy smell of ash hanging in the air. The ground was full of rifts, as if the earth itself was torn apart and pieced back together. The flow of magma below could be seen in a glimpse here and there, glistering under the thinnest parts of soil or around the poles of rock that had been pushed up above usual ground level by the force of the fiery nature. There were also constant rumblings, and maybe a few sparks would shoot out causing a few burns, but that was it of the lava inside the volcano pits. Supposed the eruptions had stopped long ago, so the place could be considered safe to be used as a rugby field. If not, small creatures like Lucky could barely make it out alive, crushed by larger ones also running for their lives.

The construction of this islet was of rocks as black as coal rising on different levels in the middle of the sea, bearing magma inside. She quickly found the Rugby Torii, adorned by a simple yellow emblem of the sport, standing solely by a cliff looking down at an enormous lake with lava instead of water, and the same scorching vermilion substance was pouring down from a stage of higher ground in form of waterfalls. The lake stretched far and wide, there wasn't much housing. In fact, the only building in sight was the dojo - a big house of dark wood, vibrant red, definitely-flame-resistant frame, and dark beryl roof.

As usual, cross under the gate to take part in the game.

But there was one tiny- no, really big problem.

Her competition would be the Red and Blue Onis, plural form. She needed a team. There was no way she could go solo with a whole team of years-skilled Onis. If there was only one of them, Lucky should be confident she could, having the advantage of agility and a few tricks up her sleeves. But when there were many, with the Blue Onis' height and speed, along with the Red's size and strength...

"With that, victory is in your hands, students! Go for it," a Karasu was leading a group of five athletes to the gate. Lucky stepped aside as they walked under it together and disappeared.

"Oh, a lone contestant, I see, and definitely not our student," the Karasu looked at Lucky, squinted their eyes judgingly, "Identify yourself."

"I'm Lucky the Cat, from Team Yellow," Lucky honestly answered, seeing no point in lying. Anyhow, Karasus were creatures of practical knowledge in the same way that Inaris were creatures of majestic secrets, so they could tell anyway.

"And do you know how to join in a game of Rugby?"

"I think I need a team. There's no way I can go against a bunch of giant Onis alone. I saw even your team advised your 'student's to form a team of five," Lucky pondered, then looked back at the Karasu.

"You see, there is another way around if you cannot find any of your teammates around who is willing to form a team," he said, "Momotaro, a local, is specially trained to go against the Onis as the new Rugby Champion. This year is also his first setting out along with his friends. Perhaps you can ask to join."

"And... How can I find him?"

"Just look for peach designs. Momotaro's team should've gathered far from here."

"Thanks a lot!" Lucky beamed. But then it hit her:

"Why are you helping me? Thank you, really, but didn't the mascot of your team say you guys don't want anything to do with other teams' members?"

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