Standing at the curb that started the section, I looked at all the head stones that had been added in recent years. The last time I was here was a few days before the three of us along with our dad had to move back to Boston. Starting to walk through the sea of headstones towards the marked grave I've come to know by heart, you can't help but to be stunned by the amount of graves that were placed ever so perfectly that they seemed endless. I could sense that everyone was following me, they weren't looking at me they were looking at the graves, but they were definitely following me since I was really the only one who knew where they were going in the plot of land. That's when I found the grave I was looking for. I gently touched the top with my finger tips,

"Hi mom." I whispered loud enough only I could hear. Everyone was quiet. Emily and Andrew came around and stood in the front on either side of me.

"Sorry we haven't visited very often." Andrew said quietly.

"We brought you flowers." Emily added as she placed the bouquet of flowers down in front of the stone. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, it was my aunt. This can't be easy for her. My mom was her only sibling and they were so close. At the funeral she could barely control herself, that was the last time she was here too. Looking at her I could tell she was trying hard not to cry.

"We're going to walk around for a bit and let you guys have a moment." She told us and everyone walked by. Michael gave me a small smile as he walk passed, like he was here for me if I needed him. Taking a seat on the ground Emily, Andrew and I started talking to the headstone like my mom was actually there, filling her in on what has happened. We were sitting there for a so long that finally Emm and Andrew had to walk away for a moment; siting there by myself I heard someone walking up behind me.

"Hey." Michael said quietly taking a seat next to me.

"Hi." I said.

"So this is your mum."


"Well I actually have something for her." He said reaching into his draw string bag he had been carrying with him all day and pulled out the boxes that contained my mom's medals in them and an envelope full of pictures.

"Where did you get those?" I ask.

"Andrew gave them to me before we left for tour and asked if I could bring them here if we had the chance if we went slight seeing." He explained and it became quiet between us. "Can you tell me about her? Your mum. You don't have to do it now but soon?" He asked.

"Yeah." I smiled at him and suddenly the irritating stabbing pain came back and I groaned in frustration.

"Whats wrong?" Michael asked.

"There's something bothering me in my mom's jacket and it's been bugging me all day." I huff finally taking off the jacket to examine the source of the annoyance. Looking through the inside of the jacket it didn't seem like anything was there until I noticed a small corner flap sticking up uncovering a hidden pocket that I haven't seen before. Exploring the newly found pocket, I pulled out its only contains, a folded piece of paper. Unfolding it I recognized the handwriting right away. It was a letter from my mom and it was written exclusively for me.

"What's that?" Michael asked me snapping me out of my daze.

"It's a letter from my mom." I say just staring at the letter, unsure if I should read it or not. These were going to be the last words of my mom, was I ready for that? "Um. . . I think I'm going to read this over there for a minute." I announce standing up wanting to be alone when I read it.

"Okay." Michael said watching me stand up letting me have my space. I quickly walked over to a near by bench that was on the outskirts of the section and started to read.

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