Going Far // Part 3

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..8 years.. 
(Sorry for such a large timeskip.)
(Also, just wanted to mention, if anybody is wondering where the 'boss' was in all this, Overhaul took him out before killing Inko, knowing both would stop him. I didn't forget the man-)
Izuku winced as he was placed into the bath to wash his wounds, having received another painful experience, but he had to remind himself that it was for the best. The Yakuza were so kind, and he was being helpful.
He made sure to clean himself thoroughly. He had grown into the same habits as Overhaul, in a way. He liked for his skin to be clean, perfect.. so did Overhaul, then again, because he just seemed to love to stroke the boys cheek when comforting him, or at random, saying how he was the cure.
(No. Before y'all go thinking this is gonna turn into an overhaulxdeku thing- no. i would only ship that if they were around the same age-)
Once Izuku got out, he wrapped himself in a towel, inhaling sharply as he exposed his naked body to the cold air.
As he changed back into his clothes (not bothered to go out with an entire outfit explanation. It looks like the male TPN outfit, search it up if needed.) he thought about the last time he had seen genuine light, not the light from the extensions in the roof. Say, was it.. a few years? Yeah.. Overhaul had taken him out, what, 7 years..
As he wandered the halls, he nearly crashed into Chronos, before stepping back and bowing apologetically.
"Ah. Izuku, just the person I was sent for. Overhaul wants to see you. He wants you to meet somebody."
Midoriya looked up before nodding silently. He barely spoke. He could, but he practically refused to, only wanting to spend his energy on helping them with these strange experiments.
As he entered a dimly-lit room, following Chronos, he noticed a monitor and Overhaul leaning over it, before signalling us over.

Peering at it, it appeared to show live camera footage of a young girl dangling her legs over an oversized bed. She had light blue, almost white hair and a small horn poking from her forehead. She looked.. strangely adorable.
"Hum? Why did I need to see this? Who is she?"
Overhaul looked up at him, taking off his glove and stroking his cheek, not in a lovey-dovey way, but in an obsessive way, as if Izuku was an object that he owned, he controlled. He always did this because this boy was 'a cure'. A cure to what? He always wondered, but never spoke aloud.
"This is Eri. She has a quirk that can be used as a gift like yours. Another cure. She'll be.. your little sister for some time. Go down and talk to her."
(Alright imma start referring to Izuku as 'I/I'm')
I looked at him, moving my face away from his grip, which seemingly ticked him off, but he didn't talk.
"Where is she located Bubba?"
Overhaul chuckled at the nickname that had stuck. 
"Go down the hall, left then the third door to your right."
I merely nodded, trailing my feet tiredly behind me. Down.. left.. third right.. I stopped at the door, reading the words 'Eri' on the front. I opened the door and stepped inside, noticing her frozen in fear when I came inside.
I sat on the ground, trying to show I would cause her no harm. She was shaking. Was it the cold? It was rather cold in here.. or fear?
"Don't worry, I don't think I could bear hurting somebody. That would just feel weird.."
She continued to eye me. It reminded me of the first time I had been babysat by the Yakuza. Uneasy, cautious.. wondering if they would ditch me.
I smiled, seeing as she slowly settled at how bright I was, how careful I was being.
"My name's Izuku.. Izuku Midoriya.. most people call me Zuzu though.."
She stepped forward slowly, her red eyes scanning my bandaged wrists.
"E-eri.. why do you have those?"
I glared at my bandages slowly, before smiling.
"Me and you, we're cures. I'm giving my blood to the Yakuza because we're going to help them! Don't be scared, you get used to it."
I opened my arms and, slowly, she walked into them, gasping quietly when I pulled her into a tight hug, where I began stroking her hair slowly, trying to make her less tense. It worked, as she melted into my hug.
"Zuzu..what we cures for?"
I didn't bother correcting her sentence, for I was lost in thought. What was I a cure for? A sickness? I placed my hand to my mouth.
"Er.. I'm not sure, but maybe a sickness?.. anyways, wanna.. draw? I bought papers and pens.. I can teach you how to!"

Overhaul watched as Izuku bonded with Eri, splayed out on the floor drawing, talking.
Izuku was drawing a heavily detailed drawing of.. Mimic? Eri was drawing Izuku, giggling ever so often when he nudged her shoulder.
"The plans going well. With Izuku thinking what he's doing is for good, Eri will follow, and make this so much easier."
Chronos looked over at the male, who was beginning to chuckle.

"In just around eight years, all quirks could be wiped out if things go our way."

Sanitary // Experimented Deku <AFO Son AU>Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat