Perfection // Part 2

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The obviously saddened boy sat in his room, tucked away from social interactions. It had only been around one day, but he was still obviously getting used to this new home, and the news of his mothers departure from him. 
Often, Yakuza members knocked on the door, but he had gone out of his way to completely lock it, standing on a small stool to do so. 
"Zuzu? Could you let me in? It's Ten."
Tengai.. the boy furrowed his brow, not answering. He couldn't get his mothers supposed words out of his head, looking down at the source of his very powers. His hands..
"I'm a-a curse..?"
He whimpered, before hearing a banging behind the door, before it finally crashed down, broken. Izuku looked up in slight fear, before seeing six individual people standing there with worried expressions, Rappa having knocked it down.
"Zuzu? Are you okay?"
Chronos approached, spreading his arms wide open for a hug, which I ignored.
"Am I curse like mama said?"
He felt as if that could confirm. He was a curse.. somebody who caused so much trouble.
"Of course not. You're a gift, you're perfect, amazing.. you could help us."
Overhaul walked forward and, even if he was one who disliked touch, hugged Izuku very awkwardly, but this only made the four year old giggle at how bad he was with hugs.
"A gift?"
He mumbled under his breath, before smiling shyly.
"How can I help you?"
Some of the men there tensed. Would Izuku be okay with being cut open, his blood extracted?..
"Well.. to help it might pain you.."
This caused a grimace on the boy as he stared down at Overhaul, or as the male had suggested, Bubba.
"But we would have to.. cut your legs and arms. We need your blood for it.."
Midoriya thought, in the uncomfortable silence that followed. His forest-green pools met with Chisaki's mesmerizing golden ones and he nodded slowly.
"I help Bubba and friends."
"Really now?"
Overhaul then picked Izuku up and marched out of the room, quickly followed by Chronos. His eyes were now more.. dangerous.
Izuku nodded cautiously. Despite his young age, he had observed enough to render Bubba dangerous at times. He had once seen him make a man disappear! I think he turned into that red paint on the walls. Weird.
"That's nice of you. How much can I take?"
"I donno. How much Bubba need?"
Chisaki lay Izuku down on a comfortable seat, strapping his wrists and ankle to the chair. It looked like that weird one at the dentist.
"Bubba needs quite a lot, but for now I won't take as much."
Chronos held Izuku's slightly shaking hand as Chisaki picked up a small scalpel, slowly folding the boys sleeves up, making sure he was comfortable enough.

The pain was excruciating. So many wounds opened up, blood was stolen, but Izuku reminded himself of why he was here. It was for good! His quirk was a gift, and he was cared for here. To make sure his quirk was such a gift, he had to give them blood! They could take as much! 
He continued to smile, even though tears kept on flowing down his eyes.

When it was done, Chronos brought the slightly sniveling boy to a sink, in order to clean out any infection. Chronos softly rubbed the open cuts carefully before they wrapped them in thick, soft bandages.
He was carried outside, where Rappa waited to carry the boy into his room. Of course, he seemed genuinely worried, but when he saw how Izuku seemed more.. okay then expected, he loosened up.

Later, during the night, when Izuku was up, Overhaul nearly yelled in excitement when he got the results he wanted. Sure, it wasn't perfect yet, he had to modify it, but with this four year olds blood..

He could get rid of quirks forever.


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