Chapter 3: A rescue mission

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Things you may encounter during this chapter:
Bold with italicized font: Japanese
Normal font: English

~~~Last time of the 2nd chapter~~~

As BoBoiBoy Lightning, a.k.a Lightning, goes to the direction where the screaming coming from, and to his surprise, he saw that it was coming from a young girl who was being chased by........ BANDITS!!.
~~~Unknown P.OV.~~~

'How could this happen to me! I was just exploring to the streets of the town with my friend, and then these guys showed up. They punched him to his stomach making him unconscious, and starts to chase after me. I just left my friend lying on the ground. I hope someone will help him. And what would they want with me, someone help!' The girl said to herself crying while being chased by the bandits at the same time. And as the girl was still running, she suddenly trip on a root of a tree that causes her to fall down and had bruises on her elbow and leg.

"There's no where to run little girl, now come with us and be a good kid okay, and if not, we'll just have to do the hard way." One of the bandits said to the girl who just sat up and moved backwards that signals that she doesn't want to go to them who just chased after her with no reason.

"Um, boss.... I don't think she wants to go with us."Another bandit said to the big man who seemed to be their leader. "Well, if she doesn't want to, then, let's do it the hard way. Boys, grab her!" The leader said to his fellow bandits and they noded their heads. But as one of the bandits was about to grab the girl, a sudden yellow sword flew and landed in front of the girl, and electrified the bandit causing him to lost conscious and being burned to a crisp. Showing both the girl and the other bandits (including the leader), to see a figure who was standing on a tree branch.

And as the figure was still on the tree branch, the clouds covered the sun causing for the girl and the bandits preventing to see the face of the mysterious figure.
"Hey, don't you dare touch that girl, she doesn't want to go with you so go away!" The figure said to the bandits. "What if we say no?!" The leader said to the mysterious figure.

"And if you don't then.......You just have to get past me first." The figure came down to the tree and landed in front of the girl who is still shocked to see someone protected her, and summons his swords pointing towards the bandits.

"Well, this is going to be easy, There's 4 of us, and you're by yourself. Are you sure going to defeat us? Hahaha.." The boss said together with his fellow bandits laughing while the figure smirks and replied to the bandits. "Oh, so you mean that I can be easily be defeated?.......Well think again!!"

The clouds that blocked the sun moved away to see the figure who is a young boy who wears a yellow clothes, a dino cap that faced forward and on top of his cap has the insignia of a lightning (and on his watch). Revealing BoBoiBoy a.k.a his lightning element.

So, if you're wondering how BoBoiBoy speak Japanese and how did he learned about it? Well, let's go back before his arrival to save the girl. Now back to the story.

~~~A while ago before BoBoiBoy's arrival~~~

Just as BoBoiBoy lightning run to the direction of the scream through the forest, the watch suddenly starts to glow that causes him to stop on running, and see what was going on to the watch. "What's wrong with my watch it starts glowing again?" Lightning said looking at the power watch.'Please stop so that I can see on what's the screaming about.' He said to himself then suddenly the screen shows the same emblem that he saw before, and a new message that was now saying:

BoBoiBoy Galaxy x Fairy tail : Dimensions CollideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora