Chapter 31

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Jim's POV

I tapped my finger on the desk rhythmically as I studied the computer monitor in front of me. I watched (Y/n) paint in the nursery through one of the security cameras I had spread around the estate. There were cameras in every room, my bedroom included after the incident with Sherlock breaking in. I was the only person with immediate access to them, any security officer who wished to view the cameras in private rooms had to put in an access code. I was alerted when anyone but myself accessed select cameras to ensure my privacy. I didn't regularly tap into the security feed, I paid other people to keep an eye on them throughout the day and night, but I needed to test something. After watching (Y/n) make little progress painting on account of getting distracted, I picked up my phone and sent her a message.


Please come to my office immediately.


I looked at the monitor and saw (Y/n) pick up her phone, read the message, then set the phone back down and resume painting. I watched for a moment longer, hoping she was finishing the last brush strokes before coming to my office. I wished I was surprised when she dipped the brush into the paint and continued painting, but I wasn't. I had hoped it wouldn't come to this. She had become too comfortable in her defiance. She believed she could get away with her rebellion without my knowing. She was wrong. I knew she had been "bribing" the guards with sweets to sneak behind my back. The first time it happened she bribed one of the guards to deliver a package to her rather than me as it was a surprise gift for me. I saw it as a thoughtful gesture. Plus, her attempt at deception was adorable. I permitted the guards to accept the bribes from her on the condition that I would still be informed of all activity and they would not allow any dangers into our home. I wanted (y/n) to have some freedom, I wanted her to be happy, but she had gone too far. I did not blame her for what happened with Sherlock, nor did I ignore that the pregnancy made her more emotional. I can be a reasonable man, but I will not tolerate being walked over. 

I looked back at the monitor and watched (y/n) continue to paint. I love my wife, so I would give her one more chance to redeem herself. 




Her phone screen lit up to display the message. She picked up the phone and read the message before typing a response. She set the phone down and resumed painting as my phone buzzed in my hand. 

I'll be just a moment, dear.


Each brushstroke on the wall fueled my temper. I had tried to be kind, but she forced my hand. I couldn't let her rebellion continue and risk her putting herself in danger. I had to make her fear me again. I reached for the small intercom on my desk and held down a button. 

"I need a studio set up in Interrogation Room C, and the duplicate placed in Room D. Additionally, I need two guards to retrieve (y/n) from the nursery and bring her into Room C," I spoke into the microphone before releasing the button. I stood from my desk and walked to the basement door. Once down the stairs, I turned in the direction of the lounge. The door was identical to the rest of the white doors lining the hallway, opening it revealed a furnished lounge. The three large monitors cycled through the security feeds of the various torture rooms until one was selected to view. The longe also housed a living room set, stocked bar, bathroom with a spare wardrobe, and a decorative cabinet filled with unique knives. I passed by the bar and rang the bell to summon a barkeep before entering the bathroom. I took off my suit jacket and opened the wardrobe to grab a spare hanger. I hung the jacket next to three crisp white shirts that were stored for events like today. I unbuttoned my shirt and exchanged it for one from the wardrobe. Once I finished buttoning the shirt, I closed the wardrobe and reentered the lounge. A gentleman in a grey suit vest stood behind the bar expectantly.

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