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Felix had been told most of his life what was right and what was wrong. Most of his life he had been explained to that he wouldn’t succeed, that he wouldn’t accomplish anything. Yet, there he was, standing high and proud a top a destroyed building, his hand clenching around the handle of a Magnum as he starred at the aftermath of the chaos he had caused. He had been sent on a mission, a mission he dared not speak aloud, but the main idea was to destroy. He looked around at his comrades, watching as they took in any remaining survivors as hostages. Felix smiled under his helmet, his armor newly painted steel and rust, shining beautifully in the dim light that was emitted onto the city around him from the sun that was faintly hidden by clouds. The clouds were moving in, and Felix knew well enough once the clouds covered the sky, the storms would start.

“Everyone start packing up! We have less than an hour before our opportunity to leave is gone, so let’s get moving!”

Soldiers around him gave shouts and hollers of acknowledgement and fastened their pace of work, and Felix couldn’t help but smile more. Never did he think he would be the one barking orders to a bunch of mindless troops, doing exactly as he said like obedient dogs. This was what he enjoyed, not giving orders, but being the one who would evidentially cause other peoples pain. He wasn’t doing it for the money, though the pay was good, he never did it for the money. He did it for the pleasure in watching other people suffer, watch as the fear in someone’s eyes stayed permanent as their terrified but lifeless bodies fell onto the surface below them and watch as their blood seeped from their wounds even after death.

Felix looked up at the sky again, everything he had known of the planet he was on, Nexus, told him once the storms came in, there would be no leaving for a at least twenty years. He’d have to hide underground in the caverns large enough that the Nexians built cities in, welcoming anyone who managed to survive the beginning of the storms and weren’t eaten by the creatures hiding in the winding and twisting tunnels leading to the large caverns.


Felix looked back to a soldier who was approaching him, giving a respectable salute before continuing to speak. “We have everything ready to leave, sir, is there anything else you would like us to do before loading the troops and preparing for take-off?” the trooper said, looking at him and seeming a bit out of breath.

Felix only shook his head a bit, “No, there’s nothing else we need here. Load up and let’s roll out.” He said, his voice calm, but with an edge of the normal arrogance Felix normally had.

The soldier nodded before trotting back to one of the three pelicans Felix and his men had come in. Felix took one last look at the sky before following the trooper, entering the other Pelican with some of the higher ranking men he was with and signaling for the pilot to close the door, and then prepare for take-off. It didn’t take long for the pelicans to rev their engines and begin to lift off, beginning to leave the storm planet Nexus. Felix sighed in relief as he leaned back in the chair he had strapped himself into, smiling wide under his helmet at the thought of how many more jobs like this he would get. Oh how he will enjoy his new title of being a mercenary. Felix soon rested his head back against the headrest, slowly closing his eyes as he doxed off to sleep to catch up on the sleep he had lost this particular mission.


It was only a matter of hours before they had returned to the city of New Armonia on the planet of Exluther, a human inhabited planet that was more civilization than it was anything else. Exluther held some of the universes greatest cities amongst it, and Felix could look out the front window to see the building to which his employer stayed with a smile plastered onto the mercenary’s face. Felix had awoken only half hour before they entered the atmosphere of Exluther, and had gotten out of his seat soon after they had breached it, coming in above the place of interest. Two of the three Pelicans landed, as expected, since one only held men, to which were to be transported back to the recruiting block. When the back of the pelican had opened, Felix was the first to walk out, DMR slung over shoulder as he casually walked, his ego even seen in the way he strode to the door that would lead to the elevator. Once inside and in the elevator, he clicked the button to go to the 30th floor in the 40 story tall building. After a moment, the doors closed and the elevator began its descent to the desired floor Felix wanted.

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