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Tommy pov

"WHAT THE FÚCK" I yelled and running to purpled body laying in the floor, "we don't know him he might be a spy from the hero's" tubbo said standing near the aliens sleeping body.

"But I know him, he's the dude I came here with." I said kneeling down next to purpled unconscious body.

I heard running and we all looked behind us to see a punz run in. We stopped when he saw us then relaxed.

"He was with me, you didn't have to knock him out" "but he was a purpled, you if purpled got paid enough of money from either the hero's or villains he would reveal stuff" tubbo tried to argue with the other punz.

"Well let's pick him up and put him on a bed" the first oldest said coming and picking up purpled. I followed the four into this room that seemed to have beds and a kitchen in the corner.

Ranboo went to the kitchen I'm guess to probably cook something while other me and tubbo went to the table near the kitchen. I decided to follow punz and sit next to purpled.

"How are you not confused or freaking out" I said looking at the adult, "your friend explained everything to me last night."

"So how are you going to leave this place" he said sitting in a chair next to me. "Well purpled suggested waiting until dream comes through so we could escape but we don't know how to get up in the sky."

"The hero crow can fly im sure he would help you" crow? I thought "do you mean Phil." "Phil?" The punz raised his brow at that and smiled bringing out this weird device.

It was like a rectangular box and was similar to that tv thing. He pressed the screen and it flowed open to a photo. Putting in this password showing another screen with tiny squares all over it.

He pressed one of the green boxes and started typing? "What are you doing" I asked trying to lean to see what he was typing but he moved his hands away.

"It's rude to look on peoples phones" "what's a phone?" He looked at me confused and shook the thing in his hands. Oh so that's called a phone.

"But let's hope your purpled wakes up before dark or we'll have to carry him to the hotel." "No need" I heard the sleeping dude next to me say.

I look down to see purpled awake but with his arm covering his eyes. "Who ever hit me your an absolute asshole" I heard a sound that I think was supposed to be offended.

Purpled sat up and looked at me, "don't ever run away again cause next time I'm not going after you" I just smile. "Your just attached to me and will follow me wherever I go" "I'm not your bodyguard" I frown.

"Awe so you don't want to be friends" I said giving my puppy eyes to the work, purpled looks at me then away.

"How are we going to get back to the hub?" "Well punz was saying maybe Phil could help us" "yeah trying to convince him would be fun" purpled said and looked back at me.

"He's a hero he's kinda going to have to help" punz said, purpled seemed to think it over for a bit before he started talking again. "Fine but we need a backup plan just in case" and we all nodded.

Well merry was Christmas everyone and Boxing Day I guess for the people who celebrate it. Sorry this one is short I can't figure out what else to add in this chapter.

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