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Tommy POV

Tubbo finally built me a training course and god I'm so excited!

Nevermind I fucking hate it, it's bloody parkour. I mean I'm awesome at parkour don't get me wrong I'm Tommyinnit amazing at everything but, this parkour doesn't look fun.

"Ok ready" I hear tubbo yell from above. I give a thumbs up and jump, "fuck yeah!" I yelled landing on the first one, I look to the second and hate it. "How the fúck am I supposed to land that, it's to far" "but just far enough"

I sighed and jumped, and I just missed it! "What the fúck I was so close" I yelled and heard tubbo laugh,"start again" he said while continuing to make the rest of the training.

I redid the two jumps and landed on the fifth go, "yes!" I yelled and got a clap from tubbo. I continued onto the third jump and landed it, I missed the fourth one and missed that one. I got angry and kicked the wood, all I hear from tubbo is start again.

I groaned and went back to the start, but this time I landed the fifth, I got really excited and look at the sixth one and sighed. I got ready and jumped and just landed the sixth one.

I looked over the wood wall onto the next platform and groaned. Now I wished I didn't do this, I walked to the edge of the log and jumped but just missed, I groaned loud in frustration and wen back onto the sixth one since tubbo wasn't looking.

I tried again and this time I landed it, "I totally didn't cheat" I said aloud ready to go onto the next wooded platform. "Did you cheat" tubbo said looking at me in the eyes, "no" I continued the o. "Go" tubbo pointed in the area of where the first wooded log was.

I groaned and walked back, it took me a couple tries to go back to the sixth log. I managed to get the the seventh log and felt proud then tried the eight one and also managed to do it on first try.

As soon as I landed I felt a similarity, I soon then saw playing bed wars with ranboo, tubbo and techno. The bridging and jumping onto blocks, I do miss them I guess. Maybe if they didn't hate me as much then I probably wouldn't have left and would of hid with them.

"Tommy!" I go back into reality to see tubbo waving his hand in my face, "I swear to god if you fucking poison me I will kill you" I say and he laughs and hugs me. "Woah you ok boss man" "yeah you blacked out for a second, what were you thinking about" "nothing it's alright" I waved him out of my face.

"Maybe we should take a break, and lye down" I nodded, we went back to the pube and into my room. I went and lay down I heard the door shut and some small figure go in and hug me.

And hour later

"What the fúck" I heard someone yell, i jumped and tried to hide shroud. I look to my door and see Wilbur standing there with a shocked expression. "What the fúck is that" he pointed to shroud who was hugging me. "M-my kid" I said he looked me and the eyes and ran off shouting "Tommy has a kid"

I looked at shroud and he looked horrified, "I'm sorry" he said looking at me. "Not your fault they were going to find out sooner or later" I smiled at him and bring him closer.

I got out of bed and shroud climbed into my arms, we walked out the room and saw everyone staring at me. I looked at everyone and looked down, "aw he's so cute" I heard Niki say from the water tank, I looked at her and smiled. Shroud jumped out of my arms and to where Niki was.

He was tapping on the glass and Niki acted to be hurt so he stops and tried to make her feel better. I looked at tubbo and ranboo and they smiled that's when tubbo messaged me saying that he'll be protected. I smiled at them and turned my attention to everyone else who was eyeing shroud.

I went over to where shroud and Niki was and sat down next to the glass, Niki tapped on the glass and it got my attention. I looked at her and she smiled I smiled back and mouthed 'thank you'.

After a while me and shroud ended back into my room, we were playing with the tiny wool figures when tubbo slammed the door open scaring shroud.

"Holy shit tubbo dont do that" I said turning around to also seeing ranboo. "Sorry boss man" he said going to sit next to shroud while ranboo sits next to me.

"Never expected you to raise a kid" tubbo said picking up one of the dolls to play with shroud. " me neither he came up to me, had not parent so I raised him as a pet thinking he was a normal spider. Turns out he can shift so I become his dad unknowingly." I explained, ranboo nodded and patted my back.

"Now we need to be extra careful cause he can be a threat" tubbo said while smashing his and shrouds person together to make it look like they were fighting. " we've got a plan right kid" I said and shroud nodded, "run to the tiny place" he said while adominating tubbos character.

For the rest of the afternoon I watched ranboo and tubbo play with shroud, he seems to like them. Shroud even made them tiny silk bee and crown with his string, they found it weird but you get used to it when raising a spider.

He crawled on the walls while tubbo would fly and follow him, ranboo made a paper crown for him and said he was royalty just like them.

kill him/purpleinnit !platonic!/mcytOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora