Whats a tv

813 31 5

Purpled POV

Me, Tommy and shroud was sitting in this office that was filled with people dressing up as hero's. Tommy's cut when dream found us in the hub area.

I feel bad for him, he's seeming to try not have a panic attack. After him coming out of that prison he's scared to get hurt and dream cutting Tommy's cheek and leg is making him spiral.

"So what's your names mate." "Im Grayson this is um, uh Tom and this little one here is shroud." "Shroud? That's a unique name I've never heard a name like that." The adult ruffled shrouds head and he giggled.

"So I've got a first aid kit for your injures." The another phil lookalike came close to Tommy and that just set him off. He kept screaming "get away from me" and "I don't want to die" and I could tell that the oldest out of all of us was growing worry.

"Can I do it" I asked while also trying to calm down Tommy, but shroud seems to be doing most of the work on that part. The phil nodded and handed me the white box full of medical equipment.

I turn to look at Tommy "hey toms, it's me purpled can I touch you?" It took a while but tommy eventually nodded and I put my hand on his shoulder. I rubbed it until I thought Tommy's breath calm down, "you alright?" The younger nodded. "Can I clean your cuts and bandage them?" Tommy eyed me but soon nodded.

I opened the white box and grabbed the alcohol wipes and just carefully dabbed it onto the cut on the cheek to see how tommy would react. He seemed to jump back a bit from the stink but soon calmed down and went back to sitting next to me.

"Do you want to wipe it?" Tommy nodded and grabbed the wipe from my hands and slowly brought it up to his cheek. He put it on his cut but pulled it off really quick, he then brought it back up and fast swooped it into the cut.

He winced but did it multiple times, "are you even touching the cut?" "Oh shut up dick, of course I'm touching it" I rolled my eyes and let Tommy continue until he thinks he's done it enough.

I smiled as Tommy gave me the alcohol wipe and I put it next to me white grabbing a bandaid. I showed Tommy the box and he picked out one with disc's on it. I peeled back the white strips and puts it on Tommy's cheek.

We continued this step for Tommy's leg, I put everything back into the first aid container and gave it to the adult. "Everything alright now mates?" We all nodded and he went to leave.

"We just got contacted that Theseus and nuclear is on the run down town" Phil quickly set the first aid on the desk in the corner and ran out with one of the staff that looked a lot like Niki. I looked over to Tommy and he's looking at shroud.

Shroud is clearly falling asleep and Tommy's just playing with his curly hair, I decided to leave those two alone and look around the office to see if there was anything to give a hint of which server this was.

I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and went to the desk, there was a bunch of paperwork and newspapers? All the headlines had 'new vigilante names Theseus'. That was one of the names that hero Niki? Said, I dug around even more to find out that this Phil was a hero and we were in the hq with a bunch of others.

"What you looking at" I heard a soft voice behind me and I jumped to see it was Tommy, i sighed and turned back around to the desk going through this paperwork. "This is like a hero sever, with villains and vigilantes" "that's cool, what are we in this one?" "I haven't figured out yet."

"What the fúck is that" I look to where Tommy was looking and it was this black box, it was thing and wide. "I have no idea, look for something maybe a button" I saw Tommy jump a bit from hearing button but continued to find something.

10 minutes later

Tommy found this long black stick like, it had a bunch of colours buttons on it and symbols. "Which one?" "Maybe the red one" "no!" I grab the black thing from Tommy's hand, he looked at me confused. "Never touch a red button they always lead to bad things."

Tommy rolled his eyes and grabbed the object back and pressed the button, I started freaking out but soon realised nothing was happening. "See I'm always right big man" "oh fuck off," then the big wide box started to glitch a bit and moving pictures started to appear on it.

"See!" I said pointing to the box, "it's not dangerous though it's just people in it. Oh my god there's people in it! They were sucked in!" Tommy yelled running towards the wide box and grabbed it shacking it. "We need to help them!" Tommy and I looked back towards the thing and saw the hero version of Phil on it.

"IT SUCKED PHIL IN IT!" Tommy screamed and started shacking it more, "tommy! Tommy! Stop!" I yelled and grabbed him pulling him away from the wipe machine like. "What happened! Is everything ok!" The Niki ran in and looked at us. "People are stuck in there! We need to help them they got Phil!" Tommy said trying to get out of my arms.

The Niki looked confused looking between the weird thing and tommy, "that's a tv, and that's the news station." Both tommy and I looked at each other weird. "What's a tv?" I asked letting go of the blind.

The Niki looked puzzled, "have you never heard of a tv, or maybe a phone of sorts" both me and Tommy shook our head and the hero Niki started to get concerned.

"Well a tv is really a three-part invention: the TV camera that turns a picture and sound into a signal; the TV transmitter that sends the signal through the air; and the TV receiver that captures the signal and turns it back into picture and sound."

The Niki explained and Tommy and I looked at each other confused even more. "What?" We both said the same time.

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