blowing off some steam

Start from the beginning

i dont know if he thinks he's invisible or something but his spiky platinum blond hair is not doing him the justice he so desperately wanted.

i dismissed myself from the table as i sped to catch up, seeing him duck and dive to get to our next class.

he looked like he was on a mission, moving fast than he ever has to go to class that he didn't even like.

i couldnt catch up, so i slowed my stride and caught my breathing that was going far too fast. maybe because i was excited to get to talk to him again, or scared because it's been too long.

i'm not gonna keep stressing myself out to talk to him. do i miss him? yea, i do. so fucking much. but if he doesn't want to talk, who am i to try and get through to him?


i was never a good liar

i think its cute though.

it wasn't meant to be a lie, but things happen.

and it was all Aizawa's fault, literally it was fully on him.

i could full-on kiss him for this, i would kiss him anytime he wanted actually.

he paired me and Kat up to train, it was a way to blow off some steam, get things off of our chest and also talk things through while simultaneously beating the shit out of each other.

something me and him enjoyed, going head to head.

he read his paper, with already written names on it.
"Bakugo and Y/n" he looked at us two making sure we heard him correctly. "you two are over there, by the end of the field."

he gave me a slick grin and quickly straightened his face back to call other pairs to train together.

i pushed all my excitement, anger, nervousness and other jumbled emotions down to match Bakugos stoic face, not wanting to give anything away.

me? i'm damn near shitting myself, and probably him too since he spent most of this entire month changing his routes to classes, staying after school, not coming over to my house in the morning, Etc. speaking plainly, too damn busy avoiding me.

we started stretching, feeling our muscles loosen and bones crack, and adrenaline boosting and rushing through our bodies.

there was no friendly banter, no smiles, no fun energy anywhere in this part of the practice field. only straight faces, and a tense atmosphere. immediately, my good mood turned sour, only feeling like nothing would come from this.


he charged first, right hand in the air,  it was easy to read, and even easier to dodge.

i dodged his punch and grabbed his hand, throwing him over-head watching him land on his back. "why have you been avoiding me?" my words assertive as i met his cherry red eyes when he quickly recovered.

he charged towards me again, this time his hand ready to blast, i ran to him ready to counteract but instead of the blast i was expecting i got a smoke screen to the face that sent all of my senses off the charts.

before i could recover, i felt an immense pressure and hotness to my back, knocking me forward.

i'd lost balance but quickly found my way up again, i'd seen this move before, a few months back when he used it on Deku.

i felt the anger rise up, and i finally turned my quirk on, not too sure if it was voluntary or not.

i was engulfed in flames, my entire body covered from head to toe. i made a fireball — a recently learned move — and sent it his way. "i asked WHY, Bakugo." putting emphasis on my words

his eyes widened as he learned my newfound move in action, barely having time to move. "i needed to think, Y/n!" his voice boomed sounding loud and rushed, he ran back and jumped high, leaving an explosion to hit me.

i'd barely heard what he said, the ringing in my ears so loud. think? who thinks for 3 weeks straight? his words only made me more upset.

i know i messed up, but ignoring my advances to get our friendship at least a little closer to what it was? cmon man.

i propelled myself up into the air,
— that was also a new move —
a consistent stream of fire below me, only to see Bakugo do the same only to tackle me in the air and plummet back down.

we fall on the ground, no quirks enabled and start fighting there. his body above mine and i struggle to turn it around and when i finally do i speak up.

"were you thinking that whole time?" i said, struggling to stay on top. "the whole 3 weeks? about fucking what?"

"you already know what." he growled as he flipped us over.

"Jesus christ." i felt myself getting angrier and i started to yell as i finally started relaxing and stopped fighting back. "it was a KISS! A FUCKING KISS. THATS ALL IT FUCKING WAS!"

my eyes burned as i said the words, tears threatening to fall. i didn't mean them, i just needed something to say. i didn't care who heard me, the whole world could hear me and i wouldn't give two shits.

i just missed my best friend.

his face dropped, his grip loosened on my arms.

"thats all it was to you?" his face showed anger now, angrier than he'd even been.

"no, please" my thoughts screamed. "it was so much more than you'd ever know."

he hopped off of me and stood in his fighting stance, i scrambled to get up as my adrenaline pumped even more.

i didn't mean it. i didn't mean it. i didn't mean it. i didn't mean it.

i readied myself and turned on my quirk, feeling even more fucked than when we started

we both charged into the air and before we knew it we were both falling, Sero catching us with his tape to stop our fall with a look of remorse on his face.

"You two are done," our grumpy looking teacher with his glowing eyes. "both of you see me at the end of the day."

god fucking damnit.

i take back that kiss thing


hopefully u made it through, i plan on ending this soon but idk how to end a book so😍

A Little One-Sided (𝐾.𝐵𝑎𝑘𝑢𝑔𝑜𝑥𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟) Where stories live. Discover now