can i stay over?

906 31 16

"i found a home in a lie i told myself

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"i found a home in a lie i told myself..."


time had went by, almost 2 hours had passed

me and Denki's slushies had BEEN gone. i didnt take up the offer he put up though... he is cute, i cant lie, but, unfortunately, i am currently being loyal to a person who doesn't even want me back right now so until proven otherwise that kiss is going to have to wait.

we were honestly just walking at this point, talking about nothing but the conversation still flowing. even Kat was actually engaging in conversation without a threat to kill one of us if we hadn't stopped out chatter.

although the no threat part didn't mean he didn't have his smart remarks every now and then, they slid off his tongue like he had prepared them beforehand or something.

"what even is there to do? we've been walking for way too long and my legs are starting to hurt." Mina complained, shes right. we had been out for a good amount of time not doing anything fun, just wondering aimlessly with conversation keeping us distracted.

"yeah" Denki yawned, "kinda sick of walking. whatever y'all do, im gonna go home and play the game." he stretched his body, waved us off and got to walking.

and not gonna lie, i was tired too, tomorrow was Sunday and Kat went home tonight. so not only was i gonna be tired and sore after walking literal miles, i was gonna be bored too. that sucks.

i could probably watch Shameless, call Katsuki or maybe just do something else with my time.


"you tired?" Katsuki asked me while cracking his knuckles, not to look intimidating or anything, its not even like i could be intimidated by him but it was a force of habit he started a couple years back.

"tired? yea kinda, but i can stay longer if you wanna stay."

"then lets go, i cant stand their blabbering about what we're gonna do next." he grabbed my hand and started walking off, lowkey tugging me to go faster.

his hand was soft, kinda warm and a bit wet from his sweat. but it was far from uncomfortable, it made my cold hand from walking in the hours of the night feel a bit better. it was nice. this felt good. and i honestly wish it could happen more with a bit more of a romantic touch behind it.

i just wish he were mine, really.

but that is yet to come, something i have to work and strive for. i want him to trust me fully, and that can only happen by waiting til he's ready for commitment. because obviously thats his fucking issue here.

"where you two going?" Kiri asked as he saw you both sneaking off

"away." Kat answered quickly, not even turning his head back to look at his two friends as he answered.

"how come his dumb asses cant see it" Sero whispered underneath his breath, mistakenly a little too loud.

"see what?" Kirishima hummed, only hearing the ending part of his sentence

"nada" he waved him off, "wanna grab some burgers, i'm feeling a bit nice today so on me."

"who could say no to free food?"


we were walking back to our houses, the air was quiet, my hand was still in his and it felt peaceful.

it felt like what i wanted...

the wind was flowing through his hair, our occasional glances to each other, and honestly i didn't even feel the need to speak even though it had been silent for 10 minutes already.

looking around at my surroundings, watching the trees dance and listening to the leaves rustle. my hand enveloped by his larger and warmer hand, and shit he even caressed my hand with his thumb a couple times.

has it ever felt like this when we walked by ourselves before?

it was so peaceful and everything felt comfortable, no type of bickering like an elderly couple trying to figure out who's dentures was who's.

no scowl on Bakugo's face, no angry persona he would give to people, just his calm, relaxed, and pretty self, and his red eyes staring into the distance as we walked.

i was starting to see his house coming up, after his came mine, which meant we had to leave each other soon and i just really dont want any of this to end, honestly i wish i could stop time right now and just be able to live in this moment.

i wonder what he's thinking, not a single complaint, curse, threat, suggestion or just randomly speaking about something he wanted to do had been said. and seeing his house coming up? how could anything not had been said yet?

we got to his house and he finally let go of my hand, the sudden cold air shocking my hand and the feeling of something missing.

he walked about half way up his walk-way, and before he could open his door and say goodbye i finally grew the goddamn balls to ask a question.

idunno why it was so hard to ask it, i mean, i've done it before many times. maybe because of the random awkwardness the overthinking of the walk gave me, but it felt like something was stopping me.

"Kat," i called his name, a bit hesitant to say it, "can, uhm.." i felt my neck heat up with embarrassment, why am i acting like im asking the boy out on a fucking date? chillax.

"spit it out, im tired." he urged me

"can i stay over?"


u miss me?👀 cuz ya girl might be back😂🤷‍♂️
short chapter ik, my baddd
also dont forget to vote <3

words: 936

A Little One-Sided (𝐾.𝐵𝑎𝑘𝑢𝑔𝑜𝑥𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora