She looks at herself in the mirror and smiles, wow Aadhu! You look beautiful.. in fact stunning.. you are awesome baby.. if that idiot of a groom of mine can't see that it's his loss baby.. no don't go there Aadhu!! Don't think about him.. right now focus should only be on my dancing.. and enjoying with everyone.. also on Unnati's proposal.. Woohoo!! I'm excited.. Atleast someone is happy..

Karthik was also ready in a pista green coloured sherwani with silver zari work. Their parents wanted them both to match and hence made them both to wear the same color.

Abhi and Yash were also in his room while he was getting ready

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Abhi and Yash were also in his room while he was getting ready. He and Abhi knew that Unnati is going to propose Yash in the Sangeet so they both started teasing him during which he ran out of the room giving them a look as if they both are mad. Abhi and Karthik were still laughing at Yash's bewildered expression when they both teased him.

Abhi turns to Karthik after Yash leaves "Enough of laughing.. if you didn't forget it's your Sangeet.. do you remember.. why are you avoiding her". Karthik's laughter dies down and he looks elsewhere "I'm not avoiding her.. I don't know to dance.. you know that.. she told me to stay away and not break her leg by my dancing.. so I'm just doing what she told me".

Abhi looks at him "Really.. but on your engagement I saw something different.. you danced with her.. there was burning chemistry between the two of you... What happened now". He looks elsewhere, oh that.. I was being a jealous idiot.. nothing else Abhi.. but can I say this to you..

No!!.. and that dance even now I can do with her forgetting the world.. I would be close to her as if only she existed in this world.. but I can't right.. I cannot be close to her else I will loose my sanity being with her.. I cannot afford that at any cost.. she is not who I want.. she is not the Aadhira I wanted.. needed once upon a time!!.. she is a completely different person..

Abhi looks at Karthik as he keeps looking into space "What happened Karthik.. what are you thinking". Karthik shakes his head "Nothing.. that day we were just swaying to the music that anyone can do.. but these complicated steps that she was trying to teach me I cannot do.. and I don't want to break her leg also".

Abhi shakes his head "Okay fine.. come let's go.. let's see what our Romeo is doing.. and then you go to your Laila Mr.Majnu while I go try to find my heer". Karthik laughs looking at him "You know you are crazy right.. I really pity the one who is going to be your wife".

Abhi looks at with a dramatic shocked expression "Excuse me.. my would be wife is so lucky to get such a good man like me as her husband.. I pity Aadhira.. how is going to bring out words or emotions from you..". Karthik looks elsewhere and mutters to himself "Righttt.. she doesn't have to do anything.. my emotions are always on overflow for her..".

Abhi doesn't hear him and continues moving out to the backyard of the wedding hall where the stage for Sangeet was arranged. Karthik goes to talk to his relatives while Abhi was looking around for Yash. He sees him talking to one of their old classmates, Kiara, who had always been behind Yash. He wanted to go save Yash from her but then drops the idea knowing Unnati will handle her better.

Aadhira comes out to the backyard with Akshara and Kamini. Karthik who was talking with his colleagues when he sees Aadhira walking in smiling and giggling at something Akshara was telling her. He was awestruck looking at her, turn away Karthik.. do you want to be embarassed.. she is looking beautiful.. breathtaking indeed but you remember what she did right..

Yeah.. but now that you have spent time with her do you really think she could have done something of that sort without any reason.. No reason can justify what she did to that guy!!.. she broke his heart.. she two timed him!!.. no nothing can justify that.. No reason!!.. Don't think about her Karthik.. don't look at her!!

She was moving around smiling and talking to everyone. Her smile turned brighter when she saw the people from her 'Lakshmi Home'. She ran to them and was talking to them when their cousins started dancing. Karthik's eyes kept following her no matter how much he tried to look away from her and not care about what she is doing.

He tried to distract himself saying Unnati is going to propose Yash and he should concentrate on that but still his eyes only wanted to see her. Her smile seemed to be turning into a frown everytime she saw him nowadays but now her smile remained intact and bright being in the presence of her people.

She was enjoying herself completely with them, she kept pulling Ganesh's ears as he kept saying something in her ears in return for which she turned a dark shade of pink. Karthik kept observing her when suddenly Akshara came towards her and said something in her ears.

Akshara and Aadhira left towards the stage, Karthik followed behind them to see Unnati stumbling on the stage. Aadhira and Akshara were talking to Yash who was with one of their classmates, Kiara. Oh shitt!! Kiara!! And seriously Yash you chose this time to talk to her!! When you know Unnati could be violent with you.. Godd I hope he is safe and alive tomorrow to see my wedding..

He sees Yash taking Unnati away from the stage and inside the hall. Aadhira comes back after Yash takes Unnati away. Karthik keeps looking at Aadhira while she walks towards him thinking of something without looking ahead. She was going up the stage and Karthik goes behind her. Her leg slips on her lehenga while climbing the steps and was about to fall but Karthik was standing behind her catches her in his arms.

She opens her eyes which had closed expecting a sudden fall. Her opened eyes looks at Karthik who was staring back at her. As soon as she realised its Karthik she pushes him away and stands properly. He holds her hand to help her balance, she withdraws her hands from his.

She looks at him "I'm fine I don't need your help". He looks at her "If i hadn't helped you.. you would have fallen down Aadhira". She looks at him frowning "Anyway you are going to let me fall down.. why catch me now.. only to let me fall later.. I don't want to talk to you please I have a performance do now.. so please". Aadhira climbs on the stage to start her performance while Karthik goes back down the stage. His heart pricked hearing her words.

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