Love means war.

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The lady crows had settled in for the night, chatting amongst themselves as they change into their sleepwear. (Y/n) sat quietly to herself. Invested into her game. Mario Odyssey, she had been playing for three days straight. She was so close to beating the game she could taste it. A loud yell rang throughout the room, not even this was enough to claim your attention. Only after a girl had tripped over you was when your attention was snatched back into reality. You looked around the room wide-eyed. Girls were climbing over each other trying to get out of the room. You were confused, what was going on? And then you saw it. Six giant hairy legs inched themselves closer and closer. A roach the size of your middle finger stood in front of you. You froze before letting out a yell so loud it could have bruised your throat. One by one doors flew open dozens of kids were in the hall. A second roach and then a third emerged. Your face and body grew hot, you were itchy all over just imaging the awful creatures crawling all over you spreading their infections. Oh god, just the thought of it made you revolted. 

The third inched closer, you had pressed yourself as far as you could into the corner as you could. And finally, you screamed once more. Only this time the whole building heard it. The male crows and a few of the Nekoma players peered in the room. The female crows had tried their best to save you but they would always fall short jumping away quickly with a squeal. In fact, that's what made the roaches move towards you. They were looking for a way out but they had been sandwiched between the wall of people and yourself. You were on your tiptoes your body pushed flat against the wall. There was nowhere to go. "Is this how I die." You wondered while trying to inch closer to the wall. Finally at last someone had come to put an end to your suffering. Asahi quickly rushed into the room and scooped up the roaches. You whimpered at how careless he was to touch them. "Kill it KILL IT NOW" you demanded there was little space for wiggle room in this demand. So in a knee-jerk reaction, he squeezed the bugs until he couldn't feel any movement. The room went silent upon the realization of what he had done. Tsukishima was the first to speak offering a smart remark with a cocky grin.

Asahi opened his hand to take a peek. It was his turn the shout. The guts were pooling out all over his hand. He quickly left the room. That was the last time you saw him. It was now daytime and you still had no sight of him. You began to think he went home after the incident. Maybe he soaked his hand in bleach to cleanse it or maybe he was looking for some kind of spell to replace his hand. You tossed a ball into the air. Karla spiked it to the ground before tossing the ball back into the basket. This was an endless loop. Kelly yelped followed by laughter. She stopped the flow with an overzealous step. "Pppfft haha" (Y/n) laughed deciding to join Kelly on the floor "Oh god I think I pulled something" Kelly laughed even if she was in pain she was still happy. Coach Yumi clapped her hands the girls turned to look at her. "Change into your swimwear." The girls stared in confusion at what did there coach have planned. "MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE" She yelled while bucking forward. The girls quickly scrambled to the building. Pulled out an orange two-piece swimsuit with ruffles at the top.  With black shorts and black sneakers. (Y/n) stared at herself in the mirror tweaking her hair. She grabbed her black shawl before heading out the door. Several busses lined up behind them. The bus buckled and bounced on the gravel road kicking rocks and branches. (Y/n) savored the feeling of the smooth rode, at last, she could relax without having to rub her back after being jostled around. Students littered the beach. 

Volleyball nets were lined up and down the sand, each one put up with care. "You all will be learning the rules of beach volleyball." the coaches started while tossing balls to the students. (Y/n) squished her ball, she noticed it was softer and lighter than the normal ones she would use. They were going to play against the girls of Nekoma. The girls were instructed to remove any tight clothing. You grimaced hesitantly you removed your clothes. You pulled on your black shawl that stopped at your knees before taking your spot on the court. You couldn't help but feel like all eyes were on you. Scanning every crevice and fold on your body picking you apart and judging every flaw. You dove on the hot sand sending the ball up high into the air. Quickly you jumped up racing to the other end of the court. You planted your feet on the ground firmly in a ready stance. You analyzed every movement on the court. With each stride, you took you could feel your stamina drain it was harder to run on sand instead of a normal hardwood floor. You fell a few inches short.

Nekoma had won the practice math. You shook hands with the girls complimenting them on their skill. The girls were dismissed to do what they wanted while the others finished up their matches. Loud grunts caught your attention. A 6'7 tan male with long brown hair caught your attention. Asahi stood basking in the summer sun shirtless. His muscles convulsed and twitched with each movement. You were memorized by the third year. You felt your cheeks heat up. If you had been a few shades brighter you could have seen her blush. Hinata quickly came into view-blocking Asahi from your sight. You snapped out of your daze once the scrawny tangerine came into your view. You continued to walk down the beach in search of seas shells, every so often you would steal a glance at the game that was taking place. At last, the match was over. You smiled softly at Asahi. "Thanks for saving me yesterday. I wanted to say thanks yesterday but I was a little bit in shock the night before."

He shrugged his shoulders while sitting down next to you. "Don't worry about it, I'm just glad I could help." There was a short pause in the conversation. "So how's your hand?" "It's fine. Although no matter how long I washed them I can still feel the squirming." You both laughed. "Sorry about that, I didn't think you would kill them like that. I thought you would have tossed them outside or something not....... That." You shuddered at the memory. "How come you're not in the water? The rest of your team is and they look like they're all having fun." He quirked a brow while looking towards the water. "I'm not a strong swimmer. So I stay away from the water." You tossed a shell in a growing pile. "As a result, I'm really good at finding seashells." You joked. Asahi stood up dusting the sand off his backside before reaching a hand out to you.  You looked up confused while taking his hand. He hoisted you up with ease as if you weighed nothing.

"I'll help you then. I'll be your personal......." Asahi paused trying his best to think of the word. "Boat?" You shrugged with a smile. "Not the word I would use but it works. Asahi leads you into the cold water. You let small squeak pausing slightly allowing your body to regulate. You pulled your hands away to remove your black shawl tossing it on the sand (Swim suite in media). Asahi had to stop himself from drooling over the sight of you. "I didn't want to get the shawl wet," you said while taking his hands once more. He nodded while looking at everything but you. The water was to your waist. you paused once more looking back at the shrinking land. It made you nervous you were close to turning back. Asahi gently squeezed your hand you turned to look at him giving you an encoring smirk. "You're doing great, just a little bit further." You nodded while taking cautioned steps. "OH GOD, I STEPPED ON SOMETHING!" You splashed around in the water in hopes to scare it away. Asahi howled with laughter. While you were attempting to climb on him. "It's only seaweed look down." And sure enough, it was,

You chuckled trying your best to hide your embarrassment. You still had your arms wrapped around his neck. His soft skin pressed against your mid-drift and parts of your chest. The skin-to-skin contact gave you goosebumps. You stood on your tiptoes holding onto him still; You felt your lower half. being lifted above the water. Your legs rested on either side of Asahi's hips. "Wow you're really strong" You giggled while he carried you deeper into the water. Asahi blushed. "Thanks, I work out a lot." You nodded trying your best to ignore the butterfly's in your stomach. 

Busted pipe lines and late nights. Hinata x BLACK READERWhere stories live. Discover now