The lady Crows

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Y/n let out a yawn pulling the back of her hand to her lips to cover her unflattering face. You know the face everyone hates but you can't really hide it so you try your best anyways. Although the weird scrunched up face still somehow shows itself off to the world. Yeah that's the one. "Hurry and open the door." A girl called eger to get inside of the gym. With a small shake of her head she pulled the gym doors open. Wet.... Cold.....Putrid. Oh god what was that, what is that? Y/n quickly looked down. A brown substance coated her feet. The lady crows of Karasuna let out shrill shrieks playing a quick game of. Quick lets see who can get out of here the fastest. Girls trampled each other to retreat from the swampy water. The same question lingered in the air over and over.

"What is that"

"What happened"

"I lost my phone in the water"

Kerry cried while chargeing into the swampy water "I'll go get a teacher. Maybe they can solve the problem" Y/n volunteered dropping her bags far away from the mess. Her (H/c) ponytail swished behind her with each stride, on the way to the front office she passed the boys gym, the sound of squeaking sneakers and praise from friends could be heard from the outside. Y/n barreled through the front office door startling several teachers talking about the weeks lesson plan. "Yesh young folks these days don't even have the decency to knock any more." A teacher complained while pushing his glasses up onto his pimple stained nose. "I'm sorry to interrupt you all like this but, the girls gym is flooded and it smells aweful" You huffed trying to catch your breath you had ran all the way there so oxygen evaded your lungs as best it could."What do you mean the girls gym is flooded?" The coach Mrs. Yumi exclaimed standing from her chair so fast it fell over. "Come and take a look for yourself." The coach covered her nose at the funk that threaten to  knock her out cold.

 "Kerry get out of that water it's disgusting" coach Yumi fussed while keeping her distance from the distraught teen. "I can't my phones in here somewhere." She whined moving farther into the gym. The wind blew wafting the scent of urine and fical matter towards the girls. And just like that they were training In the boys gym with the guys. The gym was split in half the guys had one net and the girls had the other. You weren't too thrilled about this situation, when the boys and girls are in one place in one uniform things usually tend to move slower. The girls were making heart eyes at the boys. It made Y/n sick. She didn't get the hype going on about the opposite gender.She once watched a guy eat gum from under the table for ten bucks, and later that day she saw that same boy swapping saliva with his girlfriend. It took everything inside of Y/n to keep her lunch down that day. There was only one thing left to do. Play music to get the girls back on track if their was one thing she knew young women couldn't resist was working to music. One more song, one more task, one more second she would always tell herself, and then before she knew it she had somehow cleansed the house better than holy water could cleanse a soul that's sinned.

 "Got it" Y/n yelled while diving for a ball she squatted so low her but almost hit the floor. The ball bounced into the air moving in slow motion Lisa set the ball perfect posture as always. Anything less from the lady crows setter would be dissatisfactory. 1 plant, 2 jump, 3 smack down. Karla smacked the ball with a loud pow that echoed off the gymnasium walls. Karla hit the floor with a small jiggle from her lower half.

"That was AAAWWWWOOOOOSSSSSOMMMMEEE" A unfamiliar voice called from the boys half of the gym. Hinata was starry eyed watching the girls performance. They all worked so well, unlike the male crows. They were always bickering and getting physical every now and again. They worked well as a team sure but it was no where near close to how well the girls worked together. Y/n smiled at the motivational words the orange haired boy had given the team. Although her bump was more so of a fluke she went down farther than needed and felt as if her rump was in danger. Y/n knew of Hinata although she didn't know him which was kinda ironic. He was everywhere she was. He lived two houses down from her, he took the same path to school as her, he was in all of her classes, and he was also in the volleyball club just like she was. It was strange that was the first interaction they had besides when he needed to barrow a pencil which was often. But you always leaned him one even letting him keep it sometimes when he tried giving it back. "L/N PAY ATTENTION!!!" Coach Yumi yelled. Y/n quickly set the ball that was mere inches from her face to her fellow teammate with a sweat drop. "Sorry coach" She called getting into ready position to receive any balls that came her way

Busted pipe lines and late nights. Hinata x BLACK READERWhere stories live. Discover now