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"Well, to start, I am only speculating. I don't want to upset you, but some of this is going to probably make you uncomfortable." His voice was strained, but he didn't seem to care.

Abby took a deep breath. "Okay..."

"Hoffman was the only person to escape a Jigsaw trap unscathed. He's the only detective that has been investigating the case besides Fisk who hasn't died. It just seems odd that he was able to escape, because Jigsaw isn't dumb. He has never made such a minor mistake like weak arm straps."

Abby wished she already had her drink so she could have something to do besides sit there and look nervous. Her hands were folded beneath the table, shaking violently.


"He came up to the hospital and told me to back off, that he saved that girl, but something about it just seems off."

"I thought that Jigsaw's apprentice was Amanda Young," Abby said. Strahm went to speak, but the drinks were dropped off.

"Are you guys ready to order?" The waitress asked.

They looked at each other. "Oh um, can we have a few more minutes?"

"Of course!" She left them alone once again.

"Okay, so anyway," Strahm started. "Amanda Young was an accomplice, yes, however, when I first showed up here, I realized there has to be someone else involved. Detective Kerry was hoisted into a trap, and there's no way Amanda could have lifted her."

"Right... that makes sense."

"Besides, when I was attacked, it was after I already found John and Amanda dead. He was the only one that we know of that was still in the building. Could someone have left? Yes, but it just seems really odd that he was the only one alive and the place was crawling with people, so any other apprentice escaping is unlikely."

Abby hated how much sense that made. She remembered how upset Mark seemed to be when he found out that Strahm was alive.

Abby sipped on her water nervously.

"If he isn't involved at all, then I will stand corrected, but in all honesty, Hoffman and I aren't fond of each other."

"Right..." Abby realized she had messed up. This was a bad idea.

The waitress came back a moment later. Abby didn't care what she ate, so she just decided to get some french fries. Strahm couldn't eat much anyway, so he decided on a strawberry banana smoothie.

They ordered their food, then Abby decided to talk. "I just feel like if he was involved... maybe I would have noticed something off by now?"

"Have you noticed anything?"

"The only thing I've noticed is sometimes he gets up after he thinks I'm sleeping, but I never thought much of it..." Abby's heart raced. "But besides that, I just can't imagine him being a killer."

"I didn't mean to scare you, and please try and act normal around him. If he's actually dangerous, I don't want him to hurt you."

"I don't think he would hurt me," Abby said. "But I know what you mean."

Strahm nodded.

"So the investigation isn't over?" Abby asked.

"Well, Erickson doesn't want me on the case anymore, but he doesn't need to know what I'm doing on my off time. I'm just doing my own digging."


"I'm asking you not to say anything," Strahm said to her. "Please."

Abby sipped her water once again. "I won't say anything, but if you don't find anything, please just leave it alone."

(BOOK 2) MARK/HOFFMAN: A Saw FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now