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Gideon's was flooded with authorities and medical personnel. 

Abby couldn't recall driving to the meatpacking plant. She got in her car, went the entire way at least ten over the speed limit, then pulled up. 

Was Mark hurt? If Jigsaw fucking hurt him... 

Abby quickly jumped out of the car and slammed the door, looking around frantically for Mark. People ran past her, camera crews, police officers. 

She caught sight of Mark as an ambulance drove off, it's lights and sirens blaring. 

Oh thank God. 

"Mark!" She shouted as she ran up to him, weaving through people. Damn, these people need to move! 

He seemed a bit out of it as he turned to face her, but definitely relieved. 


She threw herself into his arms and let out a few heaving sobs. 

Mark looked at Fisk and waved him off before hugging Abby tightly. She didn't mind at all that he was dirty and sweaty. He was alive and that's all she cared about. Abby put her hands on his face and actually shocked Mark with the look of pure anger and sadness on her face.

"You told me you wouldn't get hurt!" She exclaimed. 

Mark laughed softly. "I didn't-"

"I don't care!" Abby checked his face, arms, his entire front side. "What happened?!" 

"Well, I-" 

She slammed her lips against his and kissed his with so much force he almost cried out. Mark needed it. He kissed back, trying to show her just how sorry he was. 

"God..." he gasped softly once she broke away and began running her hands through his stringy, greasy hair. 

"Okay, sorry... now what happened?" 

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she tried to wipe the blood off of his face.  He was disheveled, his tie and suit jacket missing. The dress shirt he had on was slightly unbuttoned, one side tucked in, one loose. 

"Um... I..." He wasn't sure how or where to start. 

"You can tell me later if it's easier, when there's not so much chaos going on," Abby assured him, kissing him again. He moaned softly as her lips melted away some of the tension that was weighing down on him. 


He broke away and looked at Fisk. Both detectives were definitely tired and emotionally worn out. "Yeah?" 

"We want to take you back to the department for questioning..." 

Abby looked at Fisk fearfully. 

"He's not in trouble," Fisk told her. "We just want to know what happened. Mark is um... he's one of the only survivors, so he's really important." 

Abby took a deep breath. "One of the only survivors?" 

Mark clenched his jaw. "Only Strahm and I." 

Abby caught the irritation in his voice, but wasn't sure if it was because it was only him and Strahm that survived, or because it was Strahm... she figured the first one. Why would he be angry if one of his colleagues survived? 

She sighed. 

"You can wait at the station for him if you want," Fisk suggested. "We won't keep him long. He's uh, he's had a rough night." Fisk patted Mark on the shoulder. 

(BOOK 2) MARK/HOFFMAN: A Saw FanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat