Getting out of her seat, Mina approached me. She then questioned me "Wait, you're going out with your friends, right? You can't leave the school yet!"

"I-I... uh..." I stuttered. I tried to come up with an excuse, then I blurted out "The military needs me and my friends!"

Tenya stood up and said "Since Eren will leave us today, let's go out with him one more time!"

"I'm up for that!"

"Same here!"

The people in the common room agreed, and I told them first "I need to pack up my stuff in my room. Let me do that quickly."

"Sure. We'll get ready too!" Tenya noted.


The time we had in the city was great! The class defended me from people and news casters. We even visited the bubble tea place. They are doing a re-construction since the titan destroyed the dining area. I even got some souvenirs for Armin, Mikasa, Hange, Jean, Connie, and Sasha. I got a pack of dusters for Captain Levi, so I hope he likes them.


(At 7:43 P.M.*)

The scouts and I were by the UA gate with Nezu, Aizawa, and Class 1-A. We were all packed up, with a red van waiting for us.

"I would like to thank you for attending UA High, despite the brief time you spent here." Nezu told us.

Mina sniffed hard, and cried out "Man! I wish you could stay here longer!"

I chuckled, and said "Same here, but the military needs us."

Commander Erwin then popped out in my head, and the quote he told us.

I felt like sharing it with the class before I went, so I said "Before I go, I want to tell you this, and I think it will help you out on your way to becoming heroes."

Putting my fists on my back and heart, I quoted "Dedicate your hearts, for the sake of the innocent!"

Seeing that part of the quote came from Erwin, I turned to the Scouts, who smiled.

"I think it's time to go now. Me and Aizawa will come with you." Nezu added.

The class then waved to us, while some called out some 'bye's and 'stay safe's. I felt warm inside, knowing that they still cared for us.

Ochaco called out to us "We will never forget you! I hope you come back again!"

That saying struck me, so I stood still for a minute, with my head down. What if we don't come back?

"Hey! Are you alright? We have to go!" Jean told me.

I shook off the thought and answered with "I'm okay."

Turning to the class again, I said "Bye!"

We went into the van with our backpacks. Principal Nezu and Aizawa hopped in, then we departed from UA.

This may be the last time I will ever set eyes on it, so I cherished the sight of it.


"We're here. Get up, brats." Captain Levi's voice called out to us.

I groaned as a response, not wanting to get up.

Then, I felt someone grab my wrist and drag me out of the van.

"OUCH! THAT HURT!!!" I yelled.
I looked up, and it was Captain Levi.

"Tch." He said as he looked down at me. "This is what happens, brat."

I gingerly rubbed my cheeks as I arose. Despite some minor scratches on my face, I will be fine.

After I got up, I looked ahead. We were in front of a forest. What were we doing here?

"We're here!!" Hange hollered in excitement.

Aizawa instructed us "Follow Nezu and me, and don't lose track of us. Got that?"

"Yes, sir!" We all said in unison.

I ran into back into the van again to get my backpack, and followed them after.


It took us a while to stop. Nezu and Aizawa wouldn't let us rest too.

We got to an empty area without trees after a while. It was dark, so I couldn't see anything. Good thing Principal Nezu brought lamps for us.

Hange ran to the middle of the area and placed a device there. She then pressed something on it.

A blue circle was projected out of the device, and it looked so real!"

"Hey guys, let's go!" We're almost home!!!" Hange shouted to us.

We're finally here! The last step to going back home!

The Scouts went over to the circle, wanting to get back to our world, while I stayed back.

I looked back at Principal Nezu and Aizawa.

"It's alright, Eren. You're always welcome back." Nezu said.

Aizawa sighed, and told me "Hey, I'm kind of glad that you're in my class, so thank you, kid."

"I am glad that I found myself here," I replied, smiling. "Thanks for having me."

I walked over to my friends, Hange, and Captain.

Hange instructed us "Go through the portal, and we'll be back home!"

Before me and Captain, they all passed through the portal.

"Doma rigatou gozaimasu." I said to Principal Nezu and Mr. Aizawa before entering the portal.

Once I stepped foot in the portal, I felt myself falling into an endless pit. I felt the same thing when I got teleported to this world. I then passed out when I was falling.


I awoke after feeling a 'thud'.

Waking up, I saw large trees in front of me. Am I in the titan forest?

"Eren, are you okay?" Connie asked me.

While getting up, I rubbed my head and looked around.

All my friends were there. In the background, I saw the portal open up and spit out Captain Levi.

I smiled again, thinking about all the great memories I made in the new association. It will always have a spot in my heart.


Words: 1503

Hey guys! Sadly, all things have to come to an end, which includes this story. I am thankful for all of your support. With all the views and votes I got, you motivated me to finish this story, even though I barely have any. So I want to say what Eren said to Principal Nezu and Mr. Aizawa. Doma arigatou gozaimasu.


Also, I will make a book 2. The thing is... WHEN. When will I make it is the question (I'm not too sure myself, so don't think this is a cliffhanger). I will also make a new MHA crossover with another anime (Don't judge me. MHA is an interesting anime to do crossovers with). Again, thank you for all your support guys!

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