I looked there and I found my sister and mommy standing there with smiles. "Can we join you two handsome princes?" My mommy asked.

I eagerly nodded. "Yes, please." I squeaked. And we did just that for a while. I was finishing my work when a loud knock went through the house.

Dad looked up from his paper. "Stay here." He said as he got up. He went to the door. I heard some unknown voice and my curiosity made me go against what dad wanted. I peeked and there was a policeman by the door talking to dad. I ran up to dad, hiding behind his legs and hugging them in the process. I probably scared him a bit, because he jumped up and since I held his legs, he fell down, hitting something as his hands flew everywhere trying to catch something for support. As soon as he landed, he looked at me in horror. "Did I hit you?" He pulled me onto his lap and hugged me.

"No, it wasn't me," I whispered.

He squeezed me a little closer. "Oh thank goodness." He sighed. "You scared me there." He chuckled. I nuzzled closer because I love dad's hugs.

"Is everything okay? Why are the police by our door?" I asked and looked at the man. Then I noticed my father behind him and gulped.

Dad stood up with me in his arms. "Nothing to worry about. It's okay. Why don't you go get mommy?" He sat me down and I went to get her, just like he asked.

I went back to my room. "Dad asked me to send you. There's a policeman." I said and looked down.

She nodded and stood up. "Watch your sister, okay?" She walked up to me. I nodded. "Good boy." She leaned down and kissed my forehead. And I was left with my younger sister to draw. For a few minutes we drew together, and then mommy came back to take me to the door.

When I saw my father behind the officer I hid behind mommy and dad. The officer knelt down so he could somewhat see me between my parents' legs. "Hey there, young man. Am I scaring you so much that you have to be hiding there?"

I shook my head. "Not you, but he does." I pointed at my father with my hand shaking. My father grunted and I jumped up and grabbed dad's leg.

I peeked out and noticed my father still looking at me. I whimpered and hid back. "Can you give me a moment?" Dad excused himself, picked me up, and carried me back to my room. "This is your safe spot, okay? He can't come here. Wait here for me or mommy and keep your artistic sister away." He smiled at us. I nodded eagerly. I would do anything to stay away from that man.

That was the last time I saw my father. I don't know what happened, but I like the outcome. He wasn't suited to be my father. As I got older I started thinking about his behavior and the only logical explanation was that he was taking out on me the fact that my mom left him to be with my dad.

Now I want to tell you about a happy moment in my life. You know, not just the time when I was scared, I want you to know about the time when my parents were the proudest of me...

It's about 25 years later and my sister is getting married. She just announced it and asked our dad to walk her down the aisle. Seeing my parents so happy they cry is always magical see

I raised my shaking hand. "I know that that's tradition, but could we make an exception this one time? I don't want to sound harsh or something, I just want to be the one to take you to your future wife. It's something I wanted to do for a very long time." By the time I was done, my voice was just a whisper.

She looked at me for a minute, making me sweat more than when I was coming out to my parents... don't bother asking why I was scared. Their reaction was something every queer person should get.

She walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "You, my big brother, better find the best suit then. I mean you were in the closet for a hot minute, you should know what will show off the best." She laughed and hugged me.

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